Still wish it was the voyager. My keyboard kindle is tired. I am a dinosaur..I like the buttons for changing pages.
Still wish it was the voyager. My keyboard kindle is tired. I am a dinosaur..I like the buttons for changing pages.
Still wish it was the voyager. My keyboard kindle is tired. I am a dinosaur..I like the buttons for changing pages.
Still wish it was the voyager. My keyboard kindle is tired. I am a dinosaur..I like the buttons for changing pages.
I had to look this guy up, never seen/heard of him... here is an interview with him. He is one dude comfortable in his own skin.
looks kind of cool. surprised people don’t do this all the a summer tattoo
Great business model by Nintendo. Just wish I liked the game itself. But glad others do.
My thinking of this game has gone from a buy day one to a buy when its half of less off on sale. The only reason to play it when it comes out will be if its released well before Pax East and I can get a ticket to Pax (not easy to do). That way IF the street pass really has some cool features I can take advantage of…
You may want to update the article to include that 1+2 are playable on the PSP for those who don’t have vita or a ps3.
This is all well and good but later today when I am standing in front of the snack isle at the store what am I supposed to do? Did you ever think of that? Yes I know we finally we get sufficient coverage of Suikoden and ‘related’ games like Destiny. But key life knowledge of snacks will be lost. The world is so dark.
Nope. Surprised me too but I lost him also doing the same thing. I will not forget that moment.
The last part of your comment about a fresh start. What made MoP fun was it was new people with new stories. They really need to expand the world. A new class from Diablo is not a enough. If they need to articulate a vision of a bigger future. Then I could accept this as a stepping stone to something bigger in the…
I kind of thought the legion would come in on one of the patches for WoD. Thought it would make for an epic raid or a great zone. This kind of seems like its the half of WoD they should have packed in the last expansion.
The teaser from the main page made me really chuckle (for reals). All I could think of was the folks buying that psp remake game just so they could play a demo of FF XV. Which may not look or play like anything in the demo when it arrives two or three years from now. God I love the humor in the games industry. Its…
Please remember this is Pachinko (see the videos). There is NO game of Silent Hill or Castlevania. Its just using the name and flashing some short videos, like they used Star Wars. This is just gambling and using the IP to get you to the machine. If you watch the first video you see how they use useless toys as prizes…
Got this from a hint from the guys here. My wife loves the darn thing. We have had a few ovens over the years and this Breville is tops. The convection system is excellent and the controls make it easy to use. Also a nice size. Check it out on amazon:… There is newer one but this…
Got this from a hint from the guys here. My wife loves the darn thing. We have had a few ovens over the years and…
Crap answer kick starter.
Yeah he meant VII. May have just missed the X vs a V or he can’t read roman numerals. He was just reading off current and soon games for FF. I mean it could have leaked a contract for for doing the remaster for 12 music but man I doubt it.
Not only that but the cost of development is probably less (they control the platform its operating on, and its only one platform) and the risk is much lower (no metacritic). Any company that does not adapt to the business environment will be gone in time. They did what they needed to survive. I really think they hung…
Wait. Who approved this sabbatical? I just may starve because of lack of Mike-taku information. This is really quite selfish of you.
I am sure this is true in some cases. In the industry I work in the development group and the test group develop test procedures. If the system goes out and fails the whole team gets in trouble, though usually the culprit is that there was not enough test budget to do all we wanted. This is getting worse. People seem…
Surprised that they do so much of this manually. We have our QA folks build test harnesses for the repetitive tedious stuff and then script it to run on its own. Maybe its not possible or worth the investment for games.