
Even if Marijuana was legal I would still think sharing a prescription drug would not be. Don’t share drugs kids.

Oh boo fuckin’ hoo. I am so tired of hearing the ridiculous entitlement of these streamers. You should feel lucky enough to be doing what you’re doing in the first place. Twitch asking you to basically be a better person? Ya, sure does suck....

I’m really confused why anyone would want this when the newer, better, waterproof version is $250

I’m really confused why anyone would want this when the newer, better, waterproof version is $250

“But it’s 2017, and every person who buys a Switch is one more person who won’t want to carry their 3DS around.”

Pretty American view, but I mean..... American website. The Actor absolutely fits the character.

Look, I don’t want to be that guy but he wasn’t simply “refused entry” he didn’t have the proper paperwork to gain entry. Simply stating he was refused entry in the title implies there is some injustice or discrimination going on there.

I don’t think a remake of Shadow of the Colossus counts as a big announcement. It’s a great game but it has already had an HD version released.

I get the vintage value.
But if it’s yours, if it’s damage, and you got the proper skills to do it: Well, go ahead and do it.

This makes me all warm and tingly.

I’m sorry but snakes are not cute. Puppies are cute. Kittens are cute. Rabbits are cute. Snakes? Nah.

Creators’ lack of physical presence works against them in ways that teachers and coal miners never have to face.

What’s especially despicable about United is the fact that this latest jaw-dropping incident doesn’t seem out of the ordinary for the airline. It was just a couple of weeks ago that United refused to allow three young girls to board their flight, because they were wearing leggings. United didn’t apologize for that

Everyone knows that there is only one, true Gilgamesh.

(I am being sarcastic.)