
It is original. Its is also well timed. Its also on platform with few games to play, especially on line. Also right now the big multiplayer games have peaked. Destiny, COD, BF etc and waiting for new releases. Wait until on-line games like Star Wars, new Destiny expansion, and titles like Fall Out (heck even the new

Maybe its to compete with the valve streaming device. Maybe they will team with GoG or someone else.

This one was surprisingly good. Curious if there will be a season two. Plenty of story on the table for at least one more round of 13 episodes.

Some of the prettiest code I ever saw was for a system on a UKY-7 computer (navy) back in the early 80s. Original design of the the machine had been done Seymor Cray back in the early 70s. The code had been constantly worked on for decades and kept getting refined. Visually seeing it printed out it was so obvious how

I wish they would have stayed with the what they did for mh3 where its on both and they connect. I would not want to not have a handheld version for a game that I sink way too many hours into. But I do agree having it also on the console would be nice.

That is part of it. They also have found that the slower clock rates and less dense chips are easier to harden against radiation. Even the new orion stuff has old powerpc in it that came from old airliners and then hardened for space. Stuff is way under powered from what is available but its about reliability. Usually

Could not pay me to eat that. I blame the schools. Must be some chic nouveau pomme de terre chipology being taught. Poor George Crum, he must be rolling in his grave.

careful on the grocery type products on amazon. I do much better locally. Not sure i could even break even with the 25 gift card.

careful on the grocery type products on amazon. I do much better locally. Not sure i could even break even with the

List looks good. Was surprised Masashi was so high and Tite was so low. Not so much in story but in art. Mashashi can be fine but then those crazy drawings with so much pencil they look awful. Guess Bleach has really fallen out.

I am shocked. My sympathy to his family and friends. This has been a very difficult year or more for them.

Deadpool *had been* the best book Marvel was putting out. Someone remembered that comic books could be funny. Its like how Spiderman used to be many years ago. Sad the book is now done. This looks good though it looks like more Deadpool after dark.

In that opening scene was I supposed to get a 9/11 flash? The bldg collapsing in similar way and then the streets full of dust. Was that intentional?

I take full on that I missed the name of who I was replying back to. For that I was wrong, sorry. Teach me to check things before I post while using the phone. The rest not so much. Be well.

I had not heard anything about this being developed. Surprised it wasn’t following the now normal path of kickstarter.

I wonder if PSN is still fighting security issues. It very well could be problems with their system but at this point it strikes me odd that basic stability hasn’t been achieved. Net services is getting pretty mature at this point. Just wondering if they may have taken the approach not to talk about attacks so that

Again, so that justifies stealing? I had to pay ‘rent’ to my parents too. I wanted lots of things but couldn’t have them. You have no idea what I had to go thru as a kid to survive. Lots of people are poor but don’t use it as a justification to steal. Your desire of those things pushes you to earn the money. Thats

Holy crap the entitled people in this world. I had some sympathy for those the riaa was after for music. No more. Get them. Sue the living fuck out of them. They don’t care who they rob so I don’t care what happens to them. Next they will justify other crimes because they deserve them.

You mean like they do now with music? All you need to do is create an ‘industry group’ like the one that does E3 now and let them sue. Corporations hide behind it. I can’t say I would blame them because if they don’t it appears that someone anywhere on the planet can put you out of business.

Wonder even though he is a minor, whether he and or his parents can be sued for damages.

I truly hope this doesn’t happen. Very serious about that. Its just I am not in love with this game. I played it when it came out and wasn’t thrilled, so I have some distance looking at this. I want all of you to get your dreams. Its just looking at the team and the expectations of fans (one of the big ones is this is