
You don’t have to have read Mommie Dearest or saw the movie to know that women can be monsters to their kids, while appearing normal and loving to everyone else. I am also aware that some teens are manipulative liars trying to get their way too and this girl gets the smart manipulation thing from both parents. But my

Came here to say just that. They're smart, insightful and very funny. If I had only one sound I could listen to for the rest of my live it'd be Jon Favreau's laugh.

No mention of the Crooked Media podcasts?

Yeah - it’s unfortunate, but this is what happens when you have Republicans that would be fine with letting people starve, if they don’t get enough concessions. Meanwhile, the Democrats actually care about getting help to people - but sure, let’s blame them for the Republicans holding critical aid hostage.

Maybe they should have pulled those games. Maybe if these digital storefronts stop carrying broken games it would give publishers incentive to not release broken games. CDPR doesn’t care about you dude, you gain nothing by defending them.

Just waiting for the first “Whoa! Re-shaded Blue, Green and Red colors - and in 4K!”-comment. ;)

With how stupid this country proves to be time and time again? I had summer 2021 minimum in terms of "maybe a vaccine and no longer working remotely" in my book.

I remember when he wanted to “pack in the churches” for easter. That fucking son of a bitch. 208 thousand people later and he’s still fucking kicking.

I remember when a certain idiot declared “like magic, it will disappear” by summer.

“Definitively proving” masks “work” to slow the spread of Covid would be unethical. All we can do is rely on what data we do have available, all of which shows that masks seem to be effective at reducing transmission. On the other hand, there is zero downside to you wearing a mask, unless you are one of the very rare

Wear a mask you fucking clown. I’m surprised a science denier even knows what an app is. Go actually read some scientific literature you imbecile.

Maybe they paid a 13 year old to put the suit on you freaking killjoy. So long as it doesn’t go too far, let a 13 year old live out their dreams.

Is anyone else relieved it’s just a nightmare of teeth and gums and not a crunch crisis or harassment allegations? I opened this article thinking “oh god, what happened? What did they do?” and saw a hallway of incisors and bicuspids and went “oh. Is that all?”

Yeah, after hearing about how Pratt’s super into Hillsong and the fact that he just seems like a douchebag, I am over the GoTG and Jurassic franchises.

Please let’s not work to reignite Sorbo’s career. He is bad enough with the insane Right Wing “conservative” crap he spouts, he doesn’t need the wider audience of an actual working actor.

God, it’s incredible how little empathy and regard for their kids people have.
When you do that with online games, your kid is effectively bailing on his friends. Pull that shit too often and your inconsiderate ass will cause your kid to lose his god damn friends because you couldn’t give a shit about your kid passtime.

Yeah.. it’s true that we didn’t have a pause button (heck we didn’t have a color TV.. not because I’m that old but because we were too poor). But sometimes my mom would let me finish up a show if it was going to be over in a few minutes, or let me wait for a... don’t loose your mind when I mention it... COMMERCIAL

I’m sure you’ll be patting yourself on the back when you’re in a nursing home with no visitors.

  • Uses copyrighted Pokémon character and Pokeball in merchandise

Instead of telling my kids that dinner is ready or it’s time to go bed, I give them a countdown. Something like “dinner in 15 minutes” or “start wrapping up for bed”. I think this is a good introduction to time management.