
I’ma disabled veteran, who lost 5 of the disks in my back serving. So, yup. I’m heavily overweight. Can walk, sit, stand - all in pain. Transitioning between any of those? Severe pain. Move an arm? Yup. Pain. Has been since the shrapnel almost paralyzed me, and left me unable to move easily. I had to walk almost a

Well that was certainly a lot of words, expressed as is your right, without much to say for themselves. Lots of straw man arguments, misrepresentations and miscontextualizations, and downright fallacies. Well done.

a combining form meaning “dread of,” “phobic aversion toward,” “unreasonable antipathy toward” a given object: agoraphobia; xenophobia.

Shut up

Yes if you went around fat shaming people that would make you fat-phobic. This post is so ignorant I cant tell if you’re purposefully trying to make this bad faith argument or you genuinely dont know better.

If I said I don’t agree with people eating so much as to be obese does that make me an obesephobe?”

Actually look up the definition of “Phobia” in a dictionary. Any dictionary.

So please explain what isn’t “vulgar” about portraying transpeople as mentally ill or lending succor to paedophiles and happily becoming the public face of a movement designed to remove rights of transpeople?

Don’t be so fucking stupid.

Leave, and don’t look back. He’s mentally unstable at best, and cruel hearted at worst.  Either way, not a good partner and certainly not a good father figure.  

So, as others have said, should this person be your fiancé? They are actively voting to harm you and your children, choosing to believe baseless conspiracy theories, and clearly do not share any ideological framework with you.

Time for a break up.

I’ve got some nice make friends who are single and believe women should be in charge of their own bodies, I can hook you up?

I could never fuck someone who supports Trump. It’s not even political - it’s a question of basic humanity.

Sweetheart, I mean this in the kindest way possible: why are you marrying this person?

I’m sorry, but you’ve broken rule number one. Never fuck a republican. You have to break this off. It’s for the best. 

Make him watch the Social Dilemma on Netflix and see how many of the indicators he hits....I guarantee all of them if he is parroting that bullshit.

Sounds like your fiancé doesn’t need to be your fiancé anymore. 

You should be referring to her as your ex-fiance. Help yourself.