Vulcan Assassin

yep, lesson learned. Still butt-hurt.

Read before posting. I had my codes. I used them. Still requires old number.

Read my previous reply. If they work the same as google and steam’s backup codes, they are not useful if the issue is a new phone number, as both of them still required a new access code sent to the old phone number after using it. Hopefully Sony is taking a smarter approach, I’ll read the fine print before using

Both google and steam had the one time use code, which I did keep in a firebox. You know what happens when you use them? They still require sending a new code to your 2 step phone number once you enter the emergency code, making it useless.

I would, but after recently being the victim of a cell phone number hack, my carrier had to change my number. I had 2 step enabled on Google, and steam. Ever try to recover your accounts that have 2 step enabled without your 2 step phone number? It’s a nightmare I’d wish on no one. Hacks can happen on both sides of 2

Sorry to hear about this. I’m really, really looking forward to this game. Waiting a bit more due to these circumstances is fine by me. I hope they recover from this soon.

Probably the underdog here, but I am in love with my Logitech Orion series mechanical Romer-G. There are 2 types, the 910 and the 810. The 810 is essentially a 910 without the macros, and better traditional barrel roll keycaps. The 910 offers a replacement keycap kit to get rid of those angular keycaps it has by

Curious: Anyone seen the 4 foot by 2 foot version we are getting in the US? Its a lot cheaper, at $149 USD. Looks be a slightly better fit at 2 feet wide.

Oceanhorn is one of those games I’ve been begging my friends to try out on Steam. Glad to see it come to consoles, and spread the love a little further. But what’s with the teaser video for this sequel? Two minutes of title screen?

I spent 25 hours on my first planet. I really didn’t want to leave. I did eventually just because I wanted to see a space station.

Two things: First, ahhh... Memories of the winning soda cans in Shenmue - Good times. Second, I don’t know why but this tickles my interest. I will now be on the lookout. For soda.

I’ve got a cool one: I discovered a structure with an alien inside. I could only understand one word; “Replace”. The game described him as threatening and aggressive, and said he wanted my multi-tool. I had the choice to give it up, or resist. I took a gamble and gave it to him, hoping he was going to replace it, or

Well I’d just like to thank Kotaku for letting me know in time to snatch a download of it. Thanks!

This is a sad day, you were one of the best parts of Kotaku. You will be missed Patrick. I wish you well in you endeavors. Live Long And Prosper.

I used G2A a lot, until I recently learned about all this shady stuff like stolen keys from developers being sold and such. I used them a lot for steam trading. Buy a game you don’t want for dirt cheap, go to a site like steamtrades, and offer it to trade, and almost always got a better game from someone there who

I agree, the lime is mild, and there was a chemical taste. However, there are 3 varieties of Ghostbusters Twinkies. The one with the marshmallow creme filling, plain without icing on the outside - basically a normal twinkie with a normal filling, with a little hint of marshmallow flavor and added thickness to resemble

They are, if the location is right. In my town, there is a spot in the historic district with 4 Stops very close so if you sit on the benches in the park you can hit all 4 at once. From what we’ve gathered, if we drop a lure on all 4 stops, and once about 25 players show up, Eevees are non-stop. In a 4 hour period

I still remember my first Half Life 2 experience, it seared into my mind permanently. I had just got an Xbox 360, I finished Gears of War, and was looking for something to play. The Orange Box, advertising it’s five games for the price of one seemed like a deal, and the GameStop dude says “I hear Portal is pretty

My Girlfriend recently introduced me to Studio Ghibli films, through this movie. So far, it’s my favorite and the only I’ve just had to watch twice. This world looks great!

Please, for the love of all things, I hope they follow Atari Flashback Manufacturers, and print the circuit diagram on the board inside needed to solder in a cartridge slot so the original game carts can be played.