Vulcan Assassin

The Backstab is just plain not working for me. No matter how slowly I sneak up, what weapon I use, and where I position my blade: I just end up with a regular attack and a pissed off enemy. After a search all I found is a slew of other folks with the same issue, all trying to find out how to make it work. It’s a

I was never a fan of this guy, I just wasn’t into his material and disagreed with a lot of his stuff. With that being said I am still quite saddened by this. I wouldn’t wish this on anyone. My family has a bad history of cancer - 14 out of the last 15 deaths in my family were cancer. My heart goes out to his family,

Thanks for the heads up Nathan, just in time. I switched to Android after the iPhone4s, lately I’ve been considering trying Apple again. Between things like this and iTunes, I now remember why I switched in the first place. I think I’ll keep my freedom now.

I sent in a Gamecube for repair once. They replaced the disc drive, and the power supply connection. Cost me around 35 dollars. I was stunned, they even replaced the casing with a shiny new one. A big difference from when a firmware update to secretly remove Linux capability from my PS3 bricked my PS3 which had Ubuntu

I bought a PS3 to install Linux, and play MGS4. I’ve been wondering how to prove it, as I was pretty upset when they patched out Linux capability. Today it hit me. I used a lot of twitter back then. I scrolled back to 2008 and found my PS3 Linux tweets!

I definitely fit the picture being painted here. I was a huge fan of The Next Generation during it’s time. I never got into Deep Space Nine back then. I tried, and didn’t like it. Like the article says - miss an episode and it falls flat. Fast forward to the Netflix era: After binge watching TNG, I decided to give DS9

I actually miss the localized “Retro Game Master” version Kotaku used to do. I still have all the episodes on a hard drive somewhere, I like watching them every once in a while.

As a tax paying Kentucky citizen, I just wanted to clarify Kentuckians in general are not fans of our Governor. He does’t think twice about going against the wishes of those he represents to serve himself or making asinine comments on his own opinions. He’s just another two-faced greedy Washington suit to the majority

I’m saying forget the backlog and enjoying a play through of an all-time favorite of mine again: Metal Gear Solid 4.

I planned on bringing my ole’ 3770K/GTX780-6GB/DDR3-1600Mhz-16GB up to speed with some 2400Mhz RAM and a 1080 GPU this year, but with prices the way the are now: NO WAY.

I spent day 2 remapping my controls. Most on my extra mouse buttons made a huge difference. Mouse DPi around 1850 with default mouse sensitivity and a lower 800 DPi shift function for sniping.

I still remember it clearly. I had a shiny new 360, was looking for something to play, and the GameStop dude said “Try this one, it’s five games in one box, there’s bound to be something good, I hear Portal is pretty good”.

I didn’t have to go to the windows store. I bought it on Xbox, and in release day I just said “Hey Cortana, Cuphead” to my PC and installed it right from the task bar.

Didn’t want the prototype use the SuperFX2 chip? I’d be interested in the tech behind how they work around not having it on the repro cart.

I strolled into my small town’s empty (For real, I never ran into another customer) Walmart at 5:45 a.m. after I got off work and they had 3 on the shelf left, but I had a hard time finding a person to unlock the game case it was in for me. Interesting story though: the clerk chatted with me about the SNES classic as

*sits down in a chair in the circle*

I encounter them on store shelves weekly. However, they are never the one with the grey Joy-con. I want the grey Joy-con, so I haven’t purchased one yet. That, and the warping issue worries me.

I am so sad to see the Miiverse go. For me, it has been the best social gaming thing ever. Having to ability to pause a game and instantly jump to a community of people playing the same game to get tips, post and share, or just love the game, had been a fantastic experience. It was the one thing my Wii U did better

Hooray, Dark Side of the Moon Won! Think I’ll listen to it on the way home from work in the morning.

Hooray, Dark Side of the Moon Won! Think I’ll listen to it on the way home from work in the morning.

Where’s Virtual Boy? :P