Vulcan Assassin

I have a theory that maybe they tried to port Red Dead to PC, and it ran like GTA IV did (terribly) and maybe decided to give up and just let it go. Rockstar has a track record up until GTA V for buggy PC ports. Ever play LA Noir on PC? it’s a joke. It runs better on the PS3 for God’s sake, and that’s with a 980ti.

Now, we need to push Nintendo to get Super Mario Sunshine on the Wii U. While they are at it, Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door. We Need some more water jets and Rawk Hawk in the Wii U library.

I swear it’s like I have re-release ESP lately. I wanted to play dead island again, and they re-release it. I want to play Arkham Asylum again, and they announce it. I want to play Skyrim again and they anannounce the Remaster. Yesterday I picked up bioshock 1&2 to play again, and now this. So if my predictions based

Well I’d say they did a fantastic job, considering seeing some of those locations felt like I’d been there when I seen them. Too bad they couldn’t get people equally as talented to code working party modes or matchmaking.

I finally broke down recently, and bought a Mother 3 GBA Repro cartridge that has the English fan translation patched in. It looks legit, like an official game off the shelf. Plays fine. The thing is: It took a while to get, they were “backed up” on orders.

...and I’m still that one guy holding out hope for a Yakuza 1&2 HD localized subtitle western release.

A tip about ColossalCon from someone who has been there all weekend: they don’t tell you it’s also Harley Davidson week. So if you can’t book the Kalahari where the con is held, and you like sleep, - avoid it. The Con is fantastic fun. However, The 20,000 bikers have been a lot of trouble. The ones we’ve encountered -

My favorites so far this year: Stardew Valley, Twilight Princess HD, Hitman.

Perhaps if people read all the documentation on when using a new operating system, this wouldn’t happen. No sympathy from me.

Damn. You beat me to it. I was also going to say I’m sure the 4-5 Xbox owners in Japan won’t be too butthurt over this one.

Actually, the game released in the US today, and servers should be online and available for play 45 minutes ago, 7pm EST.

“These days, if a game has a game-breaking glitch, patches can be issued. That wasn’t the case in 1989, when TMNT was released. If the game didn’t work, the game didn’t work. So far as I can tell, the game was never fixed.”

So by “Sheild TV Exclusive” Am I to assume it’s not available on my Shield K1 Tablet? Oh well, at least I can still stream it from steam on the pc to the shield...

I made it a whole 3 months away from ARK until today, after seeing this. I have never had so much fun in a game online as I have with ARK. I made myself stop, I was becoming addicted. Such a fun game, we had things like this go down all the time in Plixen’s old server :)

Sad to see a game release in the state this one did, but great to see a developer roll up their sleeves and try to make it right in good time. I’ve only played it on XB1 so far, I might reinstall and give PC another go now.

Brought to you all by the people who just release the other worst console port of this generation - Alekhine’s Gun! That’s right, back-to back releases of two broken games in one 30 day span! I am now at the conclusion that Maximum Games really doesn’t have any standards as to whether their products are finished or

Just sayin’ - with Steam’s track record on the subject of customer relations, I’m not surprised.

You all know I am not the only one that thought of this...

Awesome. I do have one question: How about creeper encounters? is it still easy enough to beat them with a sword without them exploding (you know, whack, back-step until they stop hissing, repeat).

What a coincidence! I found one in my storage unit last week, seems I bought it at a flea market in a lot sale and forgot about it. Been playing with it latley, it’s really cool!