
@cyberXwarrior: No, he stayed super smart, then went back to being stupid when the effect wore off, so he had to suffer through the slow decline back to mediocrity.

Color Theory FTW!

@LetsTryThisAgain: what's the deal with breasts anyway? i drank from them once. then i analyzed the mechanics, deduced that the rest of the time would be drinking warm milk and put the nipple down.

@shibbybypass: Yeah them mentioned yesterday that one of the play modes is "The Stig Challenge".

@Dedwan Innuendo: I was wondering the same thing, but I think @RhubarbCrumble is right, and he means there is no car v. boat races this time.

@-MasterDex-: I'm gonna check Best Buy when I get there today to see when I can give them yet another $5.

@92BuickLeSabre: Congrats. We jsut locked up the location for next October, and I saw this, and if its remotely in my price range, I'll be sharing the sweet sweet stylings in a year!

@DaveStampeed: if he keeps putting out games of the quality he does, I'm fine with a long production cycle. As a perfectionist, I prefer a great game over 2 good games or 3 ok games. But maybe thats just me... and the 10 million plus other people who are buying GT5

@diskreet: Also, If your talking about the delays, when you sell 11 million copies of every full game you put out, and 4.95 million copies of a 40 dollar demo that is 1/10th the game that your working on, no one is gonna give you lip.

@PanchoVilleneuve: And This is why this game wins. I hope to GOD they have the resonably priced car. They Couldn't NOT have it, right?

@UsernameExists: psst... it ships in 1.5 months. I'm guessing its going gold pretty damn soon. Its probably just tweaks to the damage modeling numbers (GOD I hope its that based on the images from that Best Buy demo).

@DaveStampeed: GT5:P already has pulled in 4.95 million shipped. That puts them in the number 1 or 2 spot for ps3 best selling game. I really doubt that this, with 10+ times the cars, and about 10 times the tracks, for about 1.5x the price is going to sell WORSE.

@-MasterDex-: I'm still in shock that they announced a sequel so casually! I mean, this should be huge news! Who would have imagined a new GT! /sarcasm

@dgkz0idberg: pssst.... the average gamer is in their thirties now AKA, has a job... and a family...

@Arken: Pssst... He was making a masturbation joke...

@Channan: 4:11 was what did it to me. Free climbing, at that height, and hes struggling to find a good grip and angle? F that! I'd be wired the whole way, and wearing a chute.

@Jesse Scroggins: objectified is pretty good to. Made by the same people. A little heavy on the apple love for my taste, but a great watch for a designer of any sort.

@mohamedzv2001: Or maybe they really do buy in to what John Stewart says, and they think that anywhere you can buy a London Fog Trench for $200 must be hallowed ground.