
@laser beams: As a Landscape Architect, I often do work very similar to civil engineers, and at times we will do the same area of a project at different times, and it is amazing to see the difference you get. The engineer gives you the best design for water flow, and efficiency, but there is no heart, no soul.

@HarlequinRiot: "I imagine being whisked away to... Delaware... Hi... I'm in Delaware"

@AnimeCanuck: They may have, but this was Activision, not Nintendo. Saying Nintendo is picking the setlist and Demographic goals for a game is like when people write to IGn asking why they didn't include co-op in Killzone 2.

@Vrank92: I would also accept, for the short term, a promotion to star commenter, so I can see kearneybobs comments... eh? eh?

@deanbmmv: I third the call for full instatement of kearneybobs

@deanbmmv: kearneybobs, your ideas intrigue me, as does your ability to write invisible text... seriously though, why has this guy not been approved yet...

@robbo_the_hood: I wasn't aware that anyone who has actually played the final game had reviewed it yet. Does the same website have a review of Duke Nukem based on the final release version?

The thing I find interesting is how they work out ratings in a case like this, where last year his numbers dropped after his injury got worse, and now it is arguably healed up at least 90%, but hes also out of practice a little. Seems like if the bicep really is better he is ranked low on run-and-gun, and the close

@Koda89: right up until he lights them up for 2 TDs and AP runs for a few as well...

@nesstee: and by you calling something gay purely as an insult (based, as you said, on the reaction to gay people by the public), you are continuing to say that gay people are somehow functionally depraved.

@Odin: I think all they are trying to do is remind people who say "that's so gay" that what they are saying is, in fact, derogatory to an entire group of people. That's why the website is "thinkb4youspeak". If you are going to say it, there is nothing that can be done, but realize that you sound like a bigot when

@ostartero: oh god, I still say "tight"... I'm too old for these intertubes...

@Janxer: My 360 has broken 3 times so far... And I haven't actually bought it yet!

@bialia: You, good sir, win one heart.

@Cheezsama: but... Is Party Now... how can you NOT want it?

@Showmeyomoves!: Yeah, I had no idea there was a shortage of plaster of paris... someone should notify the pentagon STAT!

@The Maginomicon: The movement issues would be avoidable by keeping/mimicking the wiis internal motion sensors, as those would pick up the tilting and turning, and could easily tell the software how to adjust their interpretation of the dot readings.

@Datacide: did you ever actually play the game? at least enough to know it is a platformer, and not, in fact, a fighting game?

@CarlMarssilas: No, i've noticed it since the screen for forza have been coming out. There is something about Forza 3's shaders that make it have an almost cell shaded look in my opinion- I think its just not enough color depth in the paint- in forza the color just gets darker as it becomes more angled relative to

@DARTH_TIGRIS: Yeah it looks like a flash game to me. The lighting, brutally simple textures, and semi-3d motion effects make it look like an ok DS game. I know xbox arcade games are simple and cheap for a reason, but better textures wouldn't be to much to ask for, would they?