
>Orlando, Florida

It’s one of my favorite celebrity shots of anyone ever.

I am really starting to feel like my year as a barista in Hermosa Beach, CA was the luckiest time of my life.

Desert: Where we berry the bodies of customers who say “cream brulee.”

In a Mexican restaurant.

Holy crap someone shot a cell phone video in landscape

What do we learn about this: stay on Jalopnik...the world’s better, when cars are involved.

whom we all called Caramel Lady.

Pockets in Arizona are either calling it “cocola” or “lemonade,” and I swear to God this (and everything else in Arizona) has to be the result of fallout from 1940’s nuclear tests.

“That would be a puddle of cheese, and we don’t do that” is one of the single most perfect server quotes we’ve ever had here.

Horribly excellent.

It’s big in the South.

“So, your table stopped me and asked what kind of fish they had was because they thought you were lying to them; I told them it was cod and they asked why we didn’t have real fish.”

The ended Petit about 4 hours early in 2009 due to heavy rains.

Wow really dude? You sound like a fanboy. The BMW beat every Daytona too. And a Corvette beat some DPs also.

PINKHAM’S LAW!!! DING DING DING! We have a winner!

Anyone who's ever gone geocaching can tell you what this thing will be like after just a few short years.

2nd Gear: Fuck California.

water is wet