
I’m just trying to reconcil this -

The problem is that the VW brand doesn’t match the high performance image of F1 and isn’t meant to. There’s a reason Volkswagen bought Lamborghini, Porsche etc. and operates them under their own brand.

“Fuck America” being uttered by an non-American while on American soil should result in an automatic one way trip out.

Not only does MRTI have an indirect incentive in the form attention from Indy teams, including Indy teams running ladder teams, but there is a scholarship for the champions to go to the next level. Plus Indy Lights performers get to test Indycars thanks to the clever testing rules.

Then you include the TV package, and

I’m just as bitter as you my friend, trust me!

I agree, its one thing to say “heres your points, good luck” and another to open some opportunities for you (and lets be honest those opportunities need to begin with dollar signs) otherwise nobody will care in the end.

Except that there are 2 advantages here

It is not shocking to see this type of business practice. It seems to spring up from time to time, then prices rebound back to even keel. These companies seem to strut around, thinking they are above the law until they get jounced back to reality. The fine seems pretty stiff but you know what they say, those are the

I love my 2015 GTI (third GTI, fifth VW overall).

“..and my grandmother died three years ago.”


Draw me like one of your French girls.

Philip Rivers? I’ll allow it.

You should visit the Gawker post about whether a sandwich should come with sides. People were in HYSTERICS over things like restaurants charging for ketchup or not including fries with a burger, and seemed unable to grasp the concept that restaurants would just charge more if they included all these things together.

2nd Gear:

I don’t think the inherently violent job of being an NFL player and your job creating TPS reports at a desk is an apples to apples comparison.

Every NFL fight sucks but this one:

Remember BMW Films?

“The Boeing 747 was able to land safely...”

So I am very unclear...is it or is it not okay to assault the bartenders? May I still grab their butts and make lascivious comments about their junk? Can I insist on back rubs or cunnilingus? I mean, if there is no sign, I have no idea what is acceptable now.