
A true Christian is someone who trully and completely beleives in their heart and confesses that Jesus is God's only Son, sent to this earth to live a perfect life, be sacrificed for our sins on a cross and raised from the dead by God so that any and all who beleive will be given direct access to God, a one-on-one

His brother Doug, a Toronto councilor — and also quite a character in his own right — was involved in a very heated exchange off camera to the right. (You heard the reporter on site mention this in her exchange with the anchor back at the station). Ford apparently was trying to get down there and ran into Councilor

add Jennifer Hale to this picture and it will be ALL the voices in video games in one picture.

Actually, they announced that they would just be voicing each other from now on.

I myself squealed like a little girl, and it was almost 6am. I hope no one heard me...

I wonder if Final Fantasy 15 will really be this godsend that will save Final Fantasy. There's a group of fans that really hang onto that idea and if it were bad I think their world would implode.

Behavioral modification through sticker charts. Not my idea, and no idea where it came from, but we've had good luck with it on a number of occasions. Get a piece of paper, draw a grid on it, find some stickers your child likes, and then set up the rules—every time child does (or does not do) X, they get to put a

Okay, the officers are pretty stand up guys. Perfect response to the situation. Kudos to them and Bowling for working it out.

I've played tons of space sims but the one game I didn't get to play is Freelancer and that is the one game everyone always sets the standards for. That's fair but..did everyone forget about Descent Freespace?

Sorry, I'm a married 27 year old gamer... and game developer.

There's a flipside to what you're saying. I do agree that discipline is something we want children (and the teens and adults they grow into) to have. I just don't agree that physical punishment is a way to get that discipline and give them the values you want them to have.

*Earlier this year, the company announced that it had fucked up expectations on most of its big games, like Tomb Raider and Sleeping Dogs.

But, you can't command cats and they scramble off doing their own things. So they wouldn't fit the bill.

Unless it was trained tiger or something.

Not ashamed to say I sacrificed like a million people to save my dog in Fable II

Yo dawg, we heard you like likes. So we put likes into your likes so you can like while you like.

This looks like a great way for a n00b like me to play around with a Pi, learn some skills, and then my kids will have some cool video games to play with. I am on top of this.