Aw, I think Ready for the Weekend is good too (I'm Not Alone is love). But agreed about everything else. Sad-making.
Aw, I think Ready for the Weekend is good too (I'm Not Alone is love). But agreed about everything else. Sad-making.
Before > After
I made my husband think our baby was going to be a girl, when I knew I was having a boy.
Because you love them and you have lots of sex where you don't fantasize about someone else, but your mind drifts sometimes?
I think the most amazing thing about the daily show is the number of careers that took off after working at that show. Steve Carrell, icon, movie star, star of one of the greatest american comedy shows ever. Stephen Colbert, legendary tv star,about to replace David freakin Letterman! John Oliver, quickly establishing…
I am just genuinely sad. Jon Stewart has been such an incredibly influential, kind, smart and vital voice in my lifetime. His presence at The Daily Show will be sorely missed.
Asking parents, specifically the father in most cases, grosses me out. Thankfully, it also grosses my father out. Automatic no.
Okay, even though I just posted a "hey do what you want!" style comment, I also need to state my overwhelming burning hate for that "Only Six Rules" thing you see on Pinterest.
Thank goodness for Pop The Question, I need it today.
I'm rather partial to a lovely Scottish accent myself, although I have had many non-Americans tell me how lovely/charming my accent is. Which...what? Mostly flat broadcaster with a touch of Chicago sass. So no accounting for taste, that's for sure.
she's gotta be, but she was found stranded in the middle of nowhere so I'm not really sure. Cute as hell though!
I haven't either! But I read an excerpt on this site and it was so awful..and then another commenter introduced me to this blog where a hilarious woman reads each chapter and blogs about it. It's a great way to get the gist of the book without actually having to read the godawful writing (and it also highlights…
I've seen quotes from it, and it triggered the hell out of me. I wish people wouldn't spend money on the books/movie, because it really does depict an abusive relationship as something romantic. I get people wanting to laugh at it, but I'm hoping people will wait for it to be on Netflix or something.
am I the only one who hasn't read these books? :-/
Hey Jezzzzzzzies. So we're thinking 'bout elopin'! Hawaii, don't know why but the idea popped into my head and I can't shake it. A private ceremony followed by a few days of volcano hiking, swimming, eating and tropical fucking!!! An Austin reception to follow.
This is a long shot, but has anyone ever had (or doctor Jezzies, have any familiarity with) "deja vu" panic attacks? I didn't know that was a thing until I experienced it, and googled it, and discovered it is in fact a thing.
You know, this is exactly the kind of shit that made Dawn my least favorite of the Babysitters. Not cool at all like fashionable junk-food addict artist Claudia.
I'm not saying don't support the film, but make your purchasing decisions with the crystal clear knowledge that nothing you buy will ever bring you any closer to this man—he is fictional.