
I blamed SBTB for making me believe that boys would ask me out on real dates to the movies and stuff in high school. It happened once. What gives, Fictional Universe?

I'm under thirty (barely) and remember it vividly. And the College Years of course.

k like why do they all look so good

I watched this show all my life and followed it into primetime. If you don't remember this show, you might be under the age of thirty. (I'm 36 and it was my show. Favorite episode- the prom episode.)

I use Dr. Bronner's Baby Mild soap. It is extremely mild which is great for your face, and it does have some oils in it—however, you definitely need to moisturize after. I don't think there's any face wash that will make it so you DON'T need moisturizer.

Gunmetal glitter platforms (blackish-red pedicure). Ridiculous but worth every penny...and moment of pain the next day. (I also had silver glitter Chuck Taylors as a backup.)

For my wedding (THIS WEEKEND YOU GUYS!!!!) I'll be wearing these lovelies from Kate Spade:

During the DNC in Boston in I think 2004, my friend and I were having fries and beers at Bukowski Tavern at lunchtime. It was empty and who should walk in but Jerry Springer! He sat down at the table next to us with his bodyguard and casually shot the shit with us for like ten minutes. My friend and I went outside to

The only celebrity I've ever seen is Sir Mix-A-Lot. He was picking up take out at a restaurant I was at. At first I couldn't figure out why he looked so familiar. I honestly thought he was my high school English teacher for a good five minutes before I realized who he was.

Is it wrong that I get annoyed by women who demand chivalry? It comes across as very Princess Snowflake.

Head to the public library. Hope Jake Gyllenhaal is there.

I had bright pink capris with darker pink stripes, and I thought they looked so cool and kind of punk rock. Now, looking back, I'm pretty sure everyone could see my underwear through them, all the time. And yes, I will also never be that thin again.

I had the good fortune of being the fat kid, and developing boobs early, and wanting to be a boy so bad that no bra plus bowl cut plus boys clothes made me a real winner.

I have stick straight hair and wore it long with bangs from age 3-13. In the late 80s/early 90s my mother thought it would be cute to perm just the bangs. I repeat: just the bangs. She did this to me and my younger sister not once but twice and still defends the decision to this day. The pictures are too atrocious to

Needed more sausage puns, but two of my favorite OPI colors are from that collection, German-icure and Every Month is Oktoberfest.

I particularly enjoyed the OPI German collection, if only for the names.

I love that this subblog was created: former beauty editor, current beauty product namer, forever beauty junkie here. YES!

Totally agree. I'll admit I had a weird, unsettling crush on Jamie Dornan during the first season and I found myself thinking, "Maybe Spector really does love his wife and kids and maybe he wants to stop and what he's doing is awful but look what a good Dad he is how can he be a good Dad??" Then in the second season,

One thing I also really love about the show is how it subtly comments on how people don't suspect Spector/Dornan, simply because he's so attractive. That scene in the first episode of the 2nd season when the woman flirting with him responds to his question of "does this (police drawing of him, the Belfast strangler)

It does but not in a glamorized way, at least to me. Its very unsettling in a way that makes you realize, hey, this does happen. It should make you uncomfortable. Also, (and this is brought up in the show) he is driven by sexual desire but he never rapes his victims. Its very multifaceted and richly complex. It's done