
I transferred schools in fourth grade and was horribly bullied. This kid, who I'll just refer to as K, was always super nice to me and one of the few people who treated me with respect. He was lanky with a brown bowl cut and big brown eyes, and loved to sketch dragons and recreate the Dreamworks logo. One year for

Being 40, my list of "oh fuck no" has grown quite long throughout the years, but one of the biggest is anyone who doesn't like/is mean to animals. It says loads about their character, their compassion, their capacity for love...so many things, really.

I have a weakness for that look. I'm not proud of it.

Didn't believe in vaccinations. Ended it right there.

Religion. This is especially hard to avoid when you live in the most conservative part of California.

It's never come up, but I could never be with someone who didn't love animals or who expected me to give up my pets.

That's a really cute story! I like hearing about couples who get together in unconventional ways like that. :)

:-( I am. Skinny bony rib cage and big ass and thighs. I'm super self-conscious about it, too. Had a college boyfriend one time even tell me he thought I was "perfect" from the hips up. WTF?

I'm a lurker on here and rarely post. I just wanted to say that sometimes, reading this on Saturday nights helps me feel less alone. Thanks internet people I'll never meet in real life!

I hate the terms "real women" and "real men" in all senses. There's a lot of this patronizing "real women have curves" crap, but also those stupid buzzfeed lists of "qualities real women have" or "How real men date" etc. Real women have curves? No, asshats: curvy women have curves. And we're all real. And fabulous.

Ack, I just wrote a rant that echoes this, and then found your comment. The number of times I've been told to "eat a sandwich" is disgusting and not only because I'M EATING A SANDWICH RIGHT NOW.

So. I am here to give an update about what happened last week when I fled from my emotionally abusive boyfriend. I've been posting about trying to get out of this relationship for a while but had been very very stuck do to being very very poor and very alone in a new city and not being able to afford a place of my own

I don't like how discussion surrounding beauty standards for women in today's society usually comes down to denigrating women who fit into those standards by calling them fake women or implying that in a just world they should be deemed undesirable. "Real" women have curves, "fake" bitches should eat a sandwich, etc.

I'm glad the "real women have curves" trend is dying out. I get that thin people have more privileges than non-thin people, but I never thought it was fair how they were excluded from the positive body image movement just because their bodies are more socially acceptable. I've always believed in promoting self-esteem

it's not easy being cheesey - go get 'em Queso xo Dipper

Well men don't really want to be married to begin with. Women trick men into marrying them with their sexiness and then stopped giving him blowjobs after the first year of marriage, which is why all marriages fail. Women don't actually want sex, unless it's to have babies. Oral sex/orgasms aren't required. Also,


I wanted Molly when I was little, the closest my mom could get to that was buying me the books. I still have them.

At least two teachers in that district walked in on 13 year olds actively engaged in sex acts last month.

Now playing

Please. Next Thursday I will be watching The Fall.