
I'm not sure if this is the same one rebound is referring to, but I was going to mention this documentary which I watched on Netflix, called Saving Otter 501. It's about a baby otter they find orphaned that the Monterey Aquarium rehabilitates and they talk about the history of the rehabilitation program and stuff.

So there's this amazing documentary out there about rehabilitating baby sea otters so they can live in the wild, and how critical they are to an ocean's eco-system. Originally, scientists tried to rehabilitate otters by hand, putting on scuba gear and teaching them to dive and hunt... but the otters developed such a

Seriously. This is why I roll my eyes whenever a Texan talks trash about California.

This doesn't excuse anything, because I don't believe you have the right to really complain about our political state if you were fully capable of voting and just didn't, but one thing I noticed about people my age (20s) is how utterly demoralized they are with the state of our government, particularly Congress.

Wait, you're saying that because I'm 34 I don't count as young anymore? damn you erin!

I just want to hug you forever and always because I know how you feel. I had almost the same situation with my fiance except for the reading text. I even got the same answer (she had one kid). Just bad vibes about a coworker. It was before we were engaged and though I didn't think he would cheat I was still worried

I've been reading Jezebel for about 5 years, but never comment. I was hoping to get some relationship advice if possible. Lately, I've been very jealous of one of my fiancé's female coworkers (We'll call her Sam and fiancé, Jarod). They have all these inside jokes and seem very close. They also text outside of work.

I got a job! After 5 months of being unemployed and almost having my unemployment benefits run out, I found a job. I'm going to be working for Planned Parenthood in an administrative capacity. I'm really looking forward to working somewhere that has a hopefully decent environment as well as a place to be passionate

Hocus Pocus is on at 8:00 PM EST on ABCFamily tonight for those of you looking for it. It's also on tomorrow night as well.

The Velveteen Rabbit

I feel like this article misses the most important thing that makes the "Cool Girl" so insidious and harmful—she always, without fail, HATES other women, and loves to talk ad nauseam about how much better men are, and how much better she is because she's an honorary man. She doesn't care about silly things like

The quality is where diamonds get expensive. You could have two different 1 carat diamonds and one could cost $1,000 and the other could cost $50,000. 4 C's, Color, Clarity, Cut and Carat.

Being a "cool girl" is something I've never tried because I'm way too lazy to pretend to like things I don't like. I love red wine and hate whiskey, I deeply do not care about pro sports, but I like playing pick-up basketball or volleyball. I like dresses and high heels but usually wear jeans. I'm a physics major. I

They found that men who dropped between two and four grand on a ring were 1.3 times likelier to divorce than gents who paid $500 to $2,000.

Am I the only one who has never met a "cool girl?" The passage is funny, but it doesn't really describe anyone I know. Maybe this is specific to a region or social class or something? Plus, most of guys I know actually want commitment, feelings, and such. In fact, in my experience, it's the guys who want

Hey man, go get yourself a bandaid.

Not sure what book it was but the one with the spiders in the woman's face still wins as the most terrifying thing I've ever read. I had marked that page in my book so I knew to flip past it (since there was an equally scary illustration with it).

I'm glad I'm not the only one! I guess I just need to accept the fact that I'm always going to be kind of an awkward person even around people I'm close to, and for those people it is not a BFD. But for scary work events and people I barely know, thank god there's wine.

Absolutely. The movie is very well done, and Rosamund Pike, Tyler Perry (yes it's weird but still) and Carrie Coon are all really great. Affleck is good too, but the others probably had to reach out more against type.

Flipping the channels to find Hocus Pocus on TV. It's one of my favorite Halloween movies! Anyone else have some seasonal favorites?