Like the scene in the remade "The Thomas Crown Affair" where Pierce Brosnan and Renee Russo are having wild sex in his game room and piles of paper and books are being flung everywhere?
Like the scene in the remade "The Thomas Crown Affair" where Pierce Brosnan and Renee Russo are having wild sex in his game room and piles of paper and books are being flung everywhere?
Russian accents. They will get me every time.
Dutch. Oh God, yes.
incidentally ...watching a man pee is a turn on for me. not being peed on. just watching him pee. the holding of the dick, the peeing, the stance, the shakes. i love it all. just not on me.
I nominate my ex. She would get absurdly turned on when I affected a (horrible) "dockworker" brogue that I guess was a mix of the Bronx, Good Will Hunting, and Rocky Balboa. And we were a crazy couple who stayed together long past our expiration date because of the sex, and we did a lot of kinky stuff, but that was…
Fake German accents (I like real ones too). My ex used to do one for me, and I'd be like "No, seriously, take your pants off now...No, do you really have to stop talking like that during?!?!?"
I agree with this so much. I spend my money on the timeless stuff and buy the items that will be out of fashion in a heartbeat at fast fashion stores. That being said, I do somewhat disagree with you on the quality. It's true that 95% of it will have fallen to pieces in about a year, but that other 5% is pure gold…
"A lot of our customers are graduating from fast fashion and trying to wrap their heads around how to spend $200 on a dress," says Ms. Mazur. Ms. Cerulo says part of the website's marketing job is to ease shoppers into new spending categories. "We have an audience who is growing with us," she says.
Poor Bobbi Cochran. Every time I make the water too hot in the shower I think of that scene.
I will never be more afraid of anything than I was the night I tried to sleep after reading Cheerleaders: The First Evil with a flashlight.
If I were the dog, I'd be way madder with the human being than the elephant.
PS re cats, buttholes, etc. If I miss morning feeding time by 5 minutes, mine comes and stands on my head. Not sit, or lay. STAND. On all 4s. On my head!
"I'm of the mindset that PMS removes the bullshit-tolerance all women have, and puts us on dude-level for a few days. Guys rarely put up with shit, and they don't have to justify it with a hormonal imbalance. I like my PMS for that reason - I don't have to pretend to give a shit when I'm just not feeling it. It's…
Seamy Valley.
Dear Ventura County,
Well, I was just thinking about that. Exactly what sort of sex education do these kids get at all? I know I was raised by mormons and the only thing I was taught about sex (from them) was basically "sex is bad and dirty and dangerous so you should save it for your husband." At which point, I guess, you're supposed to…
How about this - waiting until your wedding day to kiss and do everything else with someone you've only spent time with around chaperones. Plus your whole life you've been told sex is awful and dirty, but the wedding ceremony changed your status and a few hours later you're supposed to switch into loving (ie: never…
OK, that's disgusting. How in the hell do people (the religiously encumbered) sell this sick bullshit as "holy" or "good" when it's deviant? Expressly forbidding oneself to go against *every* normal urge to even kiss or embrace is sicker than any paraphilia i can think of, with the exception of anything that…
Today I read an article (can't remember where) about a woman who waited to have sex until after marriage. She says she had a meltdown after losing her virginity because she thought that the one thing that made her special was gone, and she didn't know who she was if she couldn't be The Good Girl Saving It. She felt…
I'm so, so curious about the wedding night sex. It's gotta be immensely terrifying. I doubt these girls are even allowed to use tampons. What pointers do you think Michelle gives her daughters? Has Jessa selected an appropriate (high collared) night robe? Oh, the premature ejaculation.
"will have first kiss at wedding..."