
I could only picture him as Christian Bale/Patrick Bateman from American Psycho when reading the book.

Me too! And it's nice to see a female protaganist that is not only fucking badass but doesn't seem to be super damaged or tortured. Just ballsy as fuck and completely unapologetic about her sex life/sexuality. I girl crush so hard on Gillian Anderson, it's emabarrasing!

Love your name by the way, another one of my

Seems fitting for Christian Grey, doesn't it? :p

This is the movie that cured me of my Peter Sarsgaard crush.

so odd you posted this today, i just this week have been listening to the soundtrack which is clearly the best part of the movie.

Will you watch Napoleon Dynamite and then tell me why it sucks, please? I think you'd be funnier than me.

<LucilleBluthEyeroll.gif> My father had a subscription to Playboy for most of my childhood and my parents were ok with me flipping through the magazines when I was very young. I turned out fine.

She's a Redbone Coonhound mixed with Black Mouth Cur... a very redneck dog, if I do say so myself! ;)

People are all into all kinds of things. I wouldn't rule out the possibility that some woman somewhere would be into that. I don't see why it has to be demeaning.

I'm surprised a guy like this just assumes the devil is a man. Seems like casting a woman as this particular fictional villain would suit his world view a little better. And isn't heaven really whatever paradise you want it to be? Weird that in his wildest imagination, eternal paradise is maintained by a bunch of

The best part of binary political arguments is that both sides are wrong.

I don't think there's such a thing as "normal!" My husband and I are also very stubborn. Neither of us ever wants to give up, and we both are very hot tempered, so we can go from absolutely fine to shouting about how to put dishes in the dishwasher in minutes. I think it just shows that we're passionate ;)

We don't really get mad talking politics. If there is something that makes one of us furious we wait to talk about it (i.e. it took me a while to consider talking about the Hobby Lobby ruling). I think the reason we can do it with a sense of decorum is because we both participated in debate clubs. I did debate team in

I agree with you... Show me a couple that never fights, and I'll show you one that's either bottling aggression up or a couple who truly don't give a shit about each other (positively or negatively) and are only together for some other benefit.

I'm assuming they just don't have access to tequila.

Seriously. My husband and I have only fought three times... in the past week.

I don't understand a lot of the commenters here. Don't insult everyone's intelligence by claiming that the zealots who run Saudi Arabia are equivalent to zealotry in the United States. While we have issues with women's' rights OF COURSE, women here are still allowed to drive, have male friends, wear what they want to,

We're adopting one of these adorable pups on Monday. They're redbone coonhound/black mouth cur mixes. I'm so excited! :)

As a straight woman, I admit that male gay porn is more apt to get me off. I don't want/need to see another woman unless I can supplant myself mentally in the scene.