
Good god, looks like we have a badass on our hands

I'm a little irked by this sentence in the article:

You're acting like this girl created this system of comping. It's the business model of the club. In an effort to not be a sausagefest, they comp shit for women to get them in the door because it makes dude clubgoers happy to see the ladies. When she realized he was not offering that *club created* system of

This, exactly. 11 girls, and you want a free table with a bottle in Las Vegas? Why? Do you know how much that's worth. It's known that only super hot girls get free shit at clubs. Pitch some money together and get your own table. That's what my friends do for their birthdays. You save yourself the bad time and you

It's not like they all have to be gamers or campers. I seriously doubt all 15 of these women are party-in-Vegasers, but they're going along to support and celebrate their friend.

I'm willing to bet these women aren't gamers or campers, or they'd probably being doing just that. You couldn't pay me to camp for a bachelorette party.

This is horribly misleading. The promoter is not disallowing "whales or hippos" to come to the club, he's (or she) is refusing to comp them an $850 table unless they're hot. The promoter's job is to promote the club, and compensating hot girls for de-facto modeling is a big part of that

This is what happens when you try to get free shit from sleazy people.

If you have the gall to ask for something they could otherwise sell for $4,000 for free for 15 strangers, I'm pretty sure they have the right to ask you for something that ensures they get some value out of you. Not saying that these dudes aren't massive douches, but if you literally say "I should get in for free with

"That club owners and promoters realize its in their best interest to only admit good looking women and dudes willing to spend a lot of money to be in the company of good looking women isn't new or shocking." -fixed it

ha to me that just seems like a excuse to go to Costa Rica. Is there mission trips to Hawaii as well?!

I've just started watching Orange is the New Black. I thought it would hilarious but it's just breaking my heart.

I agree with this. I don't have a problem with homeschooling per se (though when I have kids there is no way in hell they will be homeschooled), but I do have a problem with homeschooling for weird reasons. I had a friend, when I went to private school, who was pulled out of the (non-religious affiliated) school

This is all kinds of gross. Repressed men worried they're gonna get boners looking at teen girls at a homeschool prom. What depressing lives these men must lead.

"Is it self-control if we just humiliate and shun the women till our boners go away?"
Nope. You're doing it wrong, assholes.

I don't blame homeschooling. I blame the Fundies who are all too ubiquitous within the homeschooling community. There's a small percentage of homeschoolers who are not religious nutjobs and who actually teach their children real live science and history. And then there's the rest of them who think the earth is 6,000

...think impure thoughts

Middle aged perverts using dress codes as a pretext for sexually harassing school girls? Color me shocked. This shit has been going on forever.

I always thought that 'don't wear anything sexually provocative' to be inane since anything can be provocative to one's particular fancy.

Sounds like those young women learned a very valuable lesson: *grown* men at high school dances are perverts.

As a historian who specialized in Tudor/Stuart Britain I can tell you that even if that is what they were going for the answer is no.