The consequences for sex and how to prevent them to the best of one's ability are easily covered in comprehensive, honest, non-hysterical education. And even using the word "purity" is ridiculous, unnecessary, and so, like, 1000 years ago. Pure from...what?
If I recall correctly there is another article somewhere on Jezebel and a few other sites that some churches have spoken out against yoga as sinful as it is too sexual or connected to another God or some other form of malarkey.
Why are yoga pants sinful? Are leggings equally as sinful?
I guess they're not fans of Vegas babies, Vegas.
I loathe the term "purity." As a kid, I was convinced that I was "impure" because I had been molested at the age of 5. No matter that it was involuntary....I was fundamentally impure and tainted forever. An unintended consequence of this kind of "purity" education is that girls who are already sexually active or…
Really Vegas? Doesnt appear to be aligned with how the city advertises itself...
So apparently the 1st Amendment means that you can say anything you want, any time and no one can penalize you for it no matter what, but it makes no mention of government organizations sponsoring and/or promoting one set of religious views over another. That's totally cool.
I am the same way when people get into Chicago vs. New York. I lived in New York for five years and thought it was a total shithole, so when people start to get all superior about New York (honestly, even the pizza, though I love both kinds), I get viscerally angry about it. There's nothing wrong with loving where…
I live in San Diego and I LOVE it! I will die out here. But this is coming from a person who grew up in the mid-west among tornadoes, hail, tornadoes, snow, tornadoes, going from the AC to heat in a matter of hours, ice storms and tornadoes. I'm perfectly happy with earthquakes, as long as I can wear flip-flops 90% of…
I find the fact that Californians want to move extremely surprising. I have never met anyone who lived in California who was less than 100% enthusiastic about what a great place it is to live. I would have expected it to be right there with Texas, Maine and Montana.
Eh I'm a young, liberl female Pinterest user and most of my friends who use it are also liberal. There is a lot of great stuff on Pinterest, you just have to follow the right people and avoid the Popular page. I think a lot of Pinterest users are southern so they tend to be more Christian and conservative. I'm Texan…
Kate McKinnon just made me laugh SO hard for a second time as Justin Bieber on the repeat of SNL with Louis CK just now.
Anyone else here like the Paranormal Activity movies? Despite their many flaws I love them. I'm watching the DVD of the most recent one right now, with a bar of 85% chocolate and a glass of milk.
Does anybody else have times when the social part of your brain just shuts down and you don't want to deal? Generally I tend to be an introvert, but I still manage to be interested in what my best friends have to say and can fully engage my mind in a conversation. Today, though, my mind blacks out whenever anybody…
If you haven't seen it already, go to YouTube and watch John Mulaney talking about SVU and Ice T. It's absolute perfection.
I seriously cannot believe we are having this conversation in 2013. Every time I read one of these articles I a.) find myself eternally grateful for my neat freak husband, who does the dishes way more than I do and was chopping up veggies for a crockpot dinner as I left for work this morning and then b.) feel sad and…
Ok fun stuff. I went to a private Christian middle school in West Hills, CA, where instead of a sex ed class or a health class, we had a semester of our bible class devoted to "purity." In it, we learned nothing about the human body, or STDs, or safe sex, or pregnancy. We learned alot, however, about leaving room for…