
I've known several women who made a big deal about virginity. The extremely religious ones tended to marry young so they could just have sex; the ones who were holding out for their "first time" to be with someone with whom they were in a loving exclusive relationship actually waited much longer. I do know one woman

YES! But then again my parents never married, so I always thought marriage was dumb to begin with.

but but but Rob Lowe in St. Elmo's Fire! That was real, wasn't it???

I do fault her, as a feminist, but not for the reasons she thinks. She seems to be holding out because so far no one and no scenario was worthy of her "gift." Thus, the premise for her behavior is that female virginity as defined arbitrarily by vaginal penetration by a penis is a sacrosanct commodity. I find that

True story: I got off a plane. Went to the bathroom after deboarding. New copy of 50 Shades of Gray on bathroom counter. I asked if it was anyone's book and when everyone said no, I pushed it directly into the trash. Where it belongs.

Oh man he is NOT literally the worst. You're a writer. You know what literally means. Is he Robin Thicke?

Ten-year-old me had such a crush on this sad-puppy:

Come on ladies, no Cale? It's basically blond Dimitri but with the added sexiness of Matt Damon's voice instead of John Cusack (that ruins it for me).

I'm sure some people are going to jump all over me for this, but it doesn't sound to me like you really need AA. I don't agree with their philosophy that if you are an alcoholic or addict you can never drink in moderation again. I think that taking a break for a while would probably be a good thing (and like someone