
So he messed up an answer on a trivia show. I’m sure it seemed pretty easy from the comfort of your couch. Rudimentary education? You must be joking. Most Naval Aviators are the most educated people you’ll ever meet. Like I said, he’s a three time champion. Please refer back to my original comment and go fuck


Joshua what the hell are you doing?

This is how it ends.

This is how it starts.

He’s won 3 games and has almost $43k. He’s also a Naval Aviator which is a highly selective branch. It’s not uncommon for those guys to have multiple advanced degrees.

And it’s up in a mountain, not remotely touching water, right?

Tibet? FUCKING TIBET!? Tibet isn’t even an independent country!

Thanks to a panel-wide misunderstanding of Asian geography and some nimble betting work, he won.

As someone who was once beaten by a black guy and an alcoholic white chick, I was ofended by Luke Cage and Jessica Jones.

To be fair, season 4 was a marked step up in terms of quality from previous seasons.

Nick Cage IS a National Treasure.

God bless the Trappists and their truly excellent beers.

if only it would happen to the Cleveland Browns

So much of this era is dismissed because “Crazy Christian Crusades! White Guilt! Religion is a scam!” but I totally agree with you that so many things happened during these periods that have lingering effects that we see today. There is a reason so many themes still show up in popular legends and stories. It’s wise of

Have you considered that you are just wrong and have bad taste?

“Amy Acker is very good at playing...” is a phrase that could be followed by virtually anything.

Amy Acker is very good at playing a harried mother in distress.

I hope that becomes a not so subtle joke when Lorna gets rescued and has a reunion with Eclipse.

Amy Acker is very good at playing a harried mother in distress.