
I assume they both survived, although Hela is presumably much weakened by the destruction of Asgard.

Oh, shut up, bitch.

She shattered it in Norway right after the scene with Odin. Neither Thor nor Loki picked it up prior to the Bifrost portal opening. It’s most likely still sitting on that clifftop.

Hulk ruined the quinjet trying to stop Thor from leaving him alone on the world.

Hulk trashed the ship on his way into it. I’m assuming to non-flyable status.

It was destroyed on Earth not Asgard.

What civilians? The hammer, was destroyed on Earth, so if they do bring it back, likely Doctor Strange will be the one to have collected and reassemble it.

Yeah, but you have to admit, “I’ve been falling for half an hour!” was worth it.

Nope. If these stories/examples seem like they’re “in a grey area” to you, you’re either a creep, or at best, just part of the problem.

When you want a reservation, do you grab a waiter’s dick? When you want a job, do you caress your prospective boss’s cheek? When you want a date, say to a woman, “Would you like to go out some time? I’d love to get to know you better.” and if she says no walk the fuck away and deal with your feelings yourself. DON’T

Disagree; if anything, it sold how much of a Big Bad Surtur is.

I’m not excusing Singleton at all. I was just pointing out that Jessie gives me that vibe. Can’t really say I know much about Singleton other than he makes movies.

Not for thor and it always works.

Ugh, but it’s so embarrasing.

I think they need to try to use “Get Help” when they meet thanos.

I can totally see that in Jessie. He reminds of every old preacher that wound up having two families in the same town. Thanks for speaking up.

Iron Fist is not a required viewing for anyone. 

He’s not stupid, he’s out of touch because he’s an alien from an ancient Norse planet and thus doesn’t understand common human things and speaks in old timey-ish language.

Hemsworth’s comedic timing and delivery are a goddamn gift. If you can’t pick up on that and all you get out of his performances is “I’m handsome and dumb” like he’s a slightly more high-profile Channing Tatum, that’s your loss man.

If you didn’t catch all the comedy in the first Thor you need to go back and re-watch it.