Oh, shut up, bitch.
Oh, shut up, bitch.
Nope. If these stories/examples seem like they’re “in a grey area” to you, you’re either a creep, or at best, just part of the problem.
When you want a reservation, do you grab a waiter’s dick? When you want a job, do you caress your prospective boss’s cheek? When you want a date, say to a woman, “Would you like to go out some time? I’d love to get to know you better.” and if she says no walk the fuck away and deal with your feelings yourself. DON’T…
I’m not excusing Singleton at all. I was just pointing out that Jessie gives me that vibe. Can’t really say I know much about Singleton other than he makes movies.
I can totally see that in Jessie. He reminds of every old preacher that wound up having two families in the same town. Thanks for speaking up.
No, fuck YOU.
Always a good look to “hit back” at people who have actually served their country, in defense of those getting paid millions for playing a game.
“Also, I want to take this opportunity to announce that I’ve been a member of the Navy for a long time.”
He is not for quashing anyone’s “free speech”. The 1st amendment does not give you the right of free speech in the workplace. It protects your speech from encroachment by the government. That is all.
“...And also, I’m gay.”
“But if I did, I’m sorry”
So were supposed to now call the guy a scum bag for not engaging in what is obvious pandering to the military/conservatives?
For the right of free speech, which he is now exercising.
Or he has the same right as the people protesting, you just don’t like the message.
Scumbag? I don’t think that is fair. He declined an award because he disagrees with the entity supplying it, as is his right.
“For the record, I had nothing to do with that.”
Agreed. I make all of my decisions on whether to pull out or not (giggity) based on this rule. Is that car coming up going to have to brake? Better wait until it passes.
I really ought to bring these guys coffee and donuts and a thank you card sometime.
But don’t people CONSTANTLY pull into the gap in front of you?