
Levi’s 501

Levi’s 501

I guess it really all comes down to the particular dealership.

Indy cars look Pininfarina-designed compared to the aesthetic abortions that have been racing around grand prix courses the last few years.

Fuck off.

Basically a combo of a few of the flirtiest selfie faces, Sparrow Face shows off your gorgeous eyes and pout. To nail the look, just channel a baby bird: open your eyes wide and open your little beak like mama is about to feed you some food.

More of that typical liberal approach to dealing with people who have viewpoints you don’t like.

You were wrong.

Well, what was the blue jay in the tree supposed to do?

But I don’t think you’ll find many MSU fans and alums defending people covering it up at this point.

Bullshit. No one gets a clean break 98% of the time, unless you were born with an ass crack that’s an inch wide or some other mutation back there.

Best movie cameo? Right here...

Praise Allah!

Unfortunately since the original editor (Tyler Rogoway) left F/A to create The War Zone @ The Drive quality content here has dropped considerably.

Because since November 9, 2016, all of the failed former Gawker Media sites have been in a total meltdown of butthurt when their promised queen wasn’t simply ushered into the Oval Office as the mass media informed them was her inalienable right.

Why would they?

Keep dreaming, libtard.

It would be hilarious that you believe that line of bullshit, if it weren’t so pitifully sad.

I told your girlfriend in bed that you like to throw around “cuck” as an insult, and we had a good laugh.

So is this the type of petty, basic nonsense that your website is going to stoop to publishing for the next four years?

Fuck off back to whatever shithole country you are from and don’t bother trying to sneak into the greatest one on Earth like so many other foreigners who criticize us publicly and then do everything they can to live here.