
Fine by me...as long as Hillary gets the cell right next to her.


Funny how much body-shaming is acceptable when the woman it is targeted at is someone you hate.

Oh, fuck off.

Maybe because your “side” is WRONG.

So it’s now okay to shame a woman for what she wears, as long as you disagree with her political views?

The mission was in the planning stages in November. Remind us...who was the Commander in Chief at that time?

Yeah, because vandalizing Wikipedia is so tough.

It’s not a Muslim ban, you moronic fucktards. And it won’t magically become one, no matter how many times you idiots keep parroting the two words in every other sentence that comes out of your stupid pieholes.

Maybe yours do. Go pay your therapist some more money, your projection is telling.

Yemen raid was a success.

Your pitiful protests aren’t doing a fucking thing.

You and everyone like you are nothing more than spoiled toddlers throwing public tantrums because you didn’t get something you thought you were owed.

Yeah, when you’re unemployed and contribute nothing to society, you’ve got plenty of spare time on your hands to complain about all sorts of “injustice”.

Wow...linking to your own litany of butthurt in an attempt to prove a point.

FUCK Sophie Theallet.

Because that’s how they fucking do things.

Absolutely pathetic.

But if Laura Bush had given Queen Michelle’s gift the same bitchface, I’d wager an organ that you libtards in the media would have had slightly different takes on such a reaction...

Boy, you idiots are really reaching to see how low you can go.