
Fuck off, Al.

Holy shit! If a reporter’s job is not “learn what powerful people are talking about in secret, and then share it with everybody else,” then I sincerely do not know what the fuck it is

+1 seizure

Russia doesn’t fly the C-130, idiot.

Never won one either, I take it?

“You may be raped, and then you’ll move on.” That’s what GoT rape scenes say.

Something fictional on a screen represents a “real threat”?

That’s just fucking stupid.

Outside prison, male rape is nowhere near as common as female rape, so why should we expect to see it peppered throughout dramas (that aren’t set in prison)?

This isn’t North Korea. There’s nothing keeping your sorry ass in this country, you can fucking leave whenever you like, buttercup.

It’s sad that you think Democrat candidates have the well-being of your people in the forefront of their thoughts. Ever seen their comments regarding the state of Israel? I don’t see how any non-self-hating Jew could bring themselves to vote for the typical American liberal candidate, but that’s where most of the

And why shouldn’t white people pick whiteness? Wouldn’t black people pick blackness over every fucking other thing? Oh wait, that’s exactly what happened in the previous two elections, and I never pitched an online hissy fit about it, despite being white.

You are more than welcome to leave this country and move to any of the utopias in Africa that are governed by blacks. I guarantee you don’t know shit about oppression compared to the black citizens living in most of those garden spots.

Anytime you feel unsafe in a certain place, you should leave that place.

I voted FOR Hillary. Why? Because she is one of the greatest legal and political minds of a generation

You GOT civil rights, fucktard. Pick up a history book every now and then.

No, fuck YOU.

You’re a child.

These two would have the most bug-eyed children to ever live.