And being a Education-Focused MakerSpace within a mile of a UC, we could not agree more!
And being a Education-Focused MakerSpace within a mile of a UC, we could not agree more!
We are opening a 15,000 sqft "education-focused" makerspace in Riverside, California. Machine shop, wood shop, welding/fab, 3D printing/scanning, laser engraver/cutter, sewing, composites, idea incubator, dream workshop and much more...
Evernote has become the most important software in my life. Protected, access anywhere, inexpensive, easy to use, etc, etc... Yes, I drank the Kool aide
Chai is the Russian word for tea, and I'm sure it is in many other countries! Saying Chai tea is the same as saying ATM Machine. Please stop saying tea-tea.
No Astro? My (lifted, on 30" ATs) 2005 AWD Astro is the "toolbox." It tows, it hauls (8people), it has a HUGE amount of room with the seats out. Truly an all-purpose vehicle.
Don't forget good little moto blog.
Reflexx Robotics Archer prototype.
Woodn't you know it, a bunch of comedians show up. Ha, Ha. What does he care, he's just a stiff now.
Udder nonsense.
I'm just upset at all that useless gym equipment. What a waste of space & steel. All you need is a pullup bar, a few kettlebells and a rowing machine. Hell, just do Crossfit "Bodyweight WODs" and not need any equipment at all.
the wood used for pallets is usually treated with chemicals that resist rot & mold. Those are chemicals I don't want outgassing in my home. Not to mention the chances of splinters, rusty nails and the dust collecting qualities of all those crevices.
IF this is not the BEST justification for lane splitting, I don't know what is.
OK. I just got a hard on.
@SLRSpeedshop: +1000
Evernote! Just make a daily note with FOOD, MONEY & FIT. Take pics of what you eat (right inside evernote), write down how much you spent and what you did for exercise. Super simple.
My New Years resolution was 1600x1200. No problem, I just clicked on "Screen Settings" and BINGO, I'm done.
and a Paleo diet (modified for reasonable people) and Crossfit 3-5 days a week. Guaranteed results.
that photo, on your fridge, would do it!
Ya ochin hachoo! Prosto denge ne hvatayet.