@Интернет космонавт: Tochno!
@Интернет космонавт: Tochno!
Yep. I gotta serious mancrush on that guy. I'd love to hang out with him at his place. The wives can chat, while we go drive around very rapidly!
@Skynet1121: +1 I agree with the two clip theory. A light weight dummy at the right moment.
I just don't get it. Why do you need 800hp in a street car? The traffic and cops always get in the way.
@Tristan Hipps: +1
I was SOOO ready to go tell Block to go eff himself when I read the comment about Pastrana being a pussy. Then I watched the video and laughed my ass off!!!
OK! So what happened with my post??? Did it get edited out? Why???
That's a boatload of awesome!
My baby Brooklyn was a pure 4 Paw Drive rock crawler. She would regularly go up 6-8 foot near vertical rock faces. Where I needed ropes, she needed nothing. Dide at 4 years old. RIP sweet doggie. The most amazing animal killed by a car at night. For the sake of your dog, put a reflective collar on them and maybe…
Travis, dear Travis. I've been a fan since you knocked over a block wall with a bobcat and in a diaper. Please don't. Stick to Rally and make it big in the states, we need you as the spokesperson for rally. Nascar has already got enough of the fame.
IF you hate, don't watch, problem solved.
good thing we will NOT have that three door to put all these parts on. It would be a damn shame if Ford brought us that (much better looking) version here. That would make no sense.
Different for better is better. Different for different worse. This is like the Lady Gaga of duallies.
@I love me some cleavage: I'm putting this in EVERY vehicle I own and save myself $80k!
Interesting platform. Good thing my company was developing something like this a few years ago (for recon, not armed). The only difference is the millions of dollars they have available for R&D. We didn't.
@the_other_stevejobs: can't they do all the missionary work without fear of a skydaddy?
@chucky2jimmy: not the taping I was at. They made sure the girls got front row "stands."