
well, its good to see Riot crack down on these people, but does this hurt the community since they are the pros and so forth? I mean, what else can they do? Was this a ban against them playing in tournaments or just that one account [because people have several right?] So they are not allowed to play LoL competitively


the person you are fighting with, or using, essentially takes the role of the one making desicions, but you can swap between multiple people. It gets a a bit complicated and sounds harder than it really is [the game does a great job of easing you into the combat in various stages]. Basically, you are in control of one

basically, the battle system, think of it as pokemon, except you can swap during the battle between your character and your familiar [which is essentially a pokemon for all intents and purposes]. You select who you want to attack and from that point you select their abilities [so think of chrono trigger when selecting

I feel you were going for something there, but either I missed it or you didn't finish that thought...

I really hated the FF XIII combat and I friggin love Ni No Kuni's battle system. Its like a mix of Symphonies of Grace F and Pokemon, with adventure roaming a little like chrono trigger. Its really a mix batch of everything fun in decent to great JRPG's in the past year. I suggest watching a youtube video of a battle

RIP mates

I'm a big PS3 player and I can absolutely agree with this. You do get used to it after a while [by playing resistance or killzone for example] but I do prefer doing shooters on anything else since the loosey-goosey feel kinda throws me for a loop.

agreed. The only reason this mask is making waves is just the time that they found the photo.

I think the statement he made was to be more apathetic to the situation and stress of war, rather than to be flippant. But I cant really compare or comment since I am not in the armed forces. However, he may have to be more careful in his choice of words, especially in this day and age.

I feel so bad for doing this, but this really had me on the ground rolling


as long as I can make those weps in-game I'll be fine with this. This would be more of an issue if this happened with a game that emphasize more online interaction like a CoD for example or something. And its EA, it sucks, but you get what you pay for, amiright?

agreed, but the question I really want to know is if whether or not the industry is changing because the public is transition to that stage OR are we being dragged along because a few heads at the top want it? I have nothing against the 48 fps and think if its done well, it could add value to the entire cinematic

I'll label it as 'forgetful medicine' and forget all about it but keep it handy during the launch

I didnt sleep for days after playing DA2. My therapist stills ask me if I have any nightmares about that. Thankfully I discovered a potion that helps you forget horrible things. Its called bleach.

beggers cant be chosers mate ;) but hey, I'm willing to negotiate =D

actually kind of excited, RE6 really was a appointment for me so I hoping this can fill my time up again in this universe =)

Exactly. Dont get me wrong, I enjoyed the Hobbit, but Django Unchained immersed me more than any 3D/CGI/gimmick movie. The world was believable and I enjoyed it thoroughly. Visuals dont need to be 'the best thing ever' to draw an audience in. Both are good movies, but honestly, Django sucked me in more than any movie