I hear ya. Could be, not that it matters much. These multinational mega-beverage consortium's change products and brands like we change our shorts.
I hear ya. Could be, not that it matters much. These multinational mega-beverage consortium's change products and brands like we change our shorts.
B1G richly deserves their crap reputation this year.
"Hi, I'd like to order a trendy espresso drink with an Italian-sounding name so that I can feel fancy, but I'm a big ol' wussbag, so can you add some fuggin' water to it?"
Hello from sunny Boulder, CO! We have insane bears here, too.
I never see him, thank christ, but he is on fucking fire for sure.
Burneko is crushing it in 2014. Give him an approving nod for me when you see him.
You are a moron because (1) he clearly states that he has children and (2) committing assault and battery against a child should be no more up to the individual than committing assault and battery against an adult.
I've started to notice the people that say "Don't tell me how to raise my kids!" are the exact people that need to be told how to raise their kids.
Keith Olbermann Did You See The Road Warrior No That's Mad Max No Not The One With Tina Turner That Was ThunderdomeThis Is The Second One It's Really Good Probably The Best One Yea There Is Supposed To Be Another One Next Year But Anyway Keith Olbermann Throws A Boomerang But Like It's Not Just A Normal Boomerang…
oh christ please tell me i didn't rip off a beer commercial. No shut up, i don't want to know.
Well, the Trojan is broken, but at least he pulled the little guy out in time.
Snoop Dogg on:
Mrs. Simpson, don't you worry. I watched Matlock in a bar last night. The sound wasn't on, but I think I got the gist of it.
Reverse cowgirl is not usually this dangerous.
Bacon needs to just disappear for awhile. It's so played out in gimmicky foods, it's been in/on/around shit that it has no business being within 100 feet of, and I feel like most restaurants now just use bacon-scented, colored strips of rubber instead of something even subpar. Just make SOMETHING, anything else the…
If Ted Cruz watched this, he'd probably have a brain aneurysm.
Where'd that guy go to law school, the Deadspin comment section?
I bet that baby sues MLB for defamation.
Hear hear! I posit her sheer existence is implied consent to that digital greeting!
That's a black man in the US saying that Sam shouldn't have a chance because it wouldn't be smooth.