It's nice to finally see the wife of a Raven drag their husband into something for once.
It's nice to finally see the wife of a Raven drag their husband into something for once.
This is either solid trolling, or extreme incompetence....can't figure out which.
I think the real trophy is the outstanding education each and every one of these student-athletes earn at their respective NCAA® institution of higher learning.
Bath police is what my uncle used to call it :(
This guy has nothing to worry about. Like my dad always said, "Never get a tattoo that can be seen by a judge when your wearing a suit, a turtle-neck sweater, a big, bushy beard, a baseball hat pulled down low and a pair of wrap-around sunglasses."
Two-Sixers tat on chin. South side.
Rage sounds the same in any language. Except German, then everything sounds like rage.
Just trying to stick with the theme. No need to get all Facebook balls on me.
"And I saw the Four Horsemen of the Comment Apocalypse, and they said in unison unto me: 'Beware the false idol Kinja and her wily ways.' And I, for my part, took up my mobile device and screeched, 'EVEN NATIVE AMERICANS DON'T THINK THE NAME IS OFFENSIVE!' and lo, the Angel Snyder smiled down on me, well pleased."
Which, if he can, would make one of you.
You guys won't be laughing when Jacob's drug gets FDA approval.
I grew up in Oshkosh, WI and now live in the Chicago area - I can honestly say that Oshkosh has 7 grocery stores (2 Pick N Saves, 1 Festival Foods, 1 Piggly Wiggly, 1 Aldi, plus a Target & Walmart) and approximately 150 places to get a drink. What do you do in Oshkosh if you don't drink? Nothing. This map MAKES SENSE.
There's a sandwich in every can
Oh yeah, just wait until you see Tom Brady sear Ahi Tuna in Sperry's while listening to soft rock.
As a high school student, I consider myself to be fairly experienced with the other gender.
Why? No one has fucked Tebow 1.0 yet.