
I thought that it finally come out that Eccleston left not because of the whole typecasting thing but because he had a fallout with the TPTB so it had little to do with his views on the role its self and more with how the show was run. Or did I make that up?

I kind of agree with the 'it gave too much away' line of thinking and yeah I did scream at the telly 'No you can't kill Carter' the moment they kissed but in my mind her fate was already sealed anyway, that was just a final confirmation. They'd tied up the loose end of her kid the week before and Carter's story

For me the defining moment of PoI was the end of episode 10 in season one, on a whole the episode itself wasn't the greatest but those last few minutes (which saw another brilliant use of a song who's name I can't recall of the top of my head but was an awesome fit) changed the whole dynamic of the show and that's

I may have been quietly shipping these two since Root kidnapped Shaw a few weeks ago and Shaw's 'Okay, that was hot' was just more fuel for the fire.

This was a brilliant episode, probably my new favourite ep of PoI. I loved Carter, I probably even would have called her my favourite character, I loved her transition from black and white, wrong and right to something a lot grayer but still true to the good cop she was. However I don't think I'm going to miss her

I love the Karen Hellion Dr. Who pics, I have a couple of her T-shirts from Threadless, sadly not the Big 'Bad Wolf' one which is my total favourite of hers. I would adore the whole set of posters (and T-shirts).

When I was A kid I grew up with 3 dogs, two cats and a rabbit.

I think in the 10-12 years prior to the Port Arthur shooting we'd had 6-7 gun related acts of violence where multiple people ended up dead/injured. After the Port Arthur shooting which was bad enough that our government decided that something had to be done we've had 1 shooting that I can think of off the top of my

You know I haven't actually watched an episode of True Blood since season 1 and yet I still look forward to the recaps as much, if not more so than those for the shows I do actually watch.

Anya's speech about not understanding mortality is the saddest, most poignant bit of dialogue ever. Full stop.

Watch Angel! What they did to Fred was heartbreaking and FREAKING AWESOME!

I love Vegemite, but then I am an Aussie.

The Doctors Wife is by far my favourite episode of Doctor Who so I am insanely excited for this one and just hoping that finally one, just one, episode of this half of the season live up to expectation. Hide got close, it's certainly my favourite of this lot but I've been excited by the concept of each episode only

Adding another voice to the do not like it pile. Often I read io9 on my phone while on public transport and for whatever reasons my phone only shows the comments occasionally and once it's decided to not show the comments for an article no amount of reloading or whatever will change that. So when I was sitting on

Butter is one of the vilest tasting substances on Earth, nothing under the sun could compel me to eat it instead of margarine. I don't care how much anyone sings it's praises or how loudly they damn margarine this is one case where I definitely let taste rule.

I know a fair few people didn't but I did like season 1 Juliette, that said if they do not end this ridiculous amnesia plot line within the next episode or so (for the love of little green apples I hope that 'next week on Grimm' clip is not a fake out) I'ma go crazy. I like this show, quite a lot in fact but damn,

I found Grimm a little slow to begin with, not so much with the corny since I have a pretty high corn tolerance, but I did get bored and stopped watching after a few episodes. However in a fit of sickness induced boredom many weeks later I ended up marathoning the rest of season 1 and I have to say it really was a

I don't have anything of substance to say other than *SQUEEEEEE*

So question if anybody can answer. I like Cumberbatch enough that I'm considering seeing this latest star trek movie but I haven't watched Abrams earlier star trek adventure, is it advisable to do so or are the stories unlinked? It's not that I dislike star trek, the movie has been on my to watch list for a while I

I like both relatively equally, neither Moffat or RTD are OMG super awesome but they both have the strong points and their weak. Personally I preferred RTDs over reaching arcs better but I think Moffet does stronger stand alone episodes.