
He’s been incredible, the best he’s ever played on hard court.

If celebs get the call to be on Hot Ones, there’s training they should be doing. Even a month’s warning should be enough to not embarrass themselves.

A few years ago, I decided, for some random reason, that I wanted to beat the Buffalo Wild Wings challenge (12 of their hottest wings in six minutes in return for a

What you see here hinges on whether you believe that “Make America Great Again” is a dog whistle meant to unite racists, misogynists, and homophobes under one umbrella, or you’re delusional and don’t care about people who aren’t white men.

The only person who saw all this coming was Tony Romo. 

It really was a beautiful little scene. Between Dorff’s barely concealed little smirk and Ali’s uncomfortable shifting from playful bitterness to mildly drunken aggressiveness to bashful acceptance with shades of all in between. It even had a dick joke that made me laugh. The interplay between partners is by far my

One of my favorite parts too - but Nantz actually suggested it first; and *then* Tony was all, “YES! Great call - Andy should absolutely call a timeout here!”

I laughed at that stupid graphic as well. ‘36 Patriots have played in a conference championship’.... No shit, huh? 36 players from last year were retained for this year, or were replaced by seasoned vets? SHOCKED, I TELL YOU. 

I’d agree with all of your points here. My thoughts the whole time were “Why isn’t this guy getting paid even more to be a coordinator?”, but you’re right, he wouldn’t have time to communicate what he’s seeing pre-snap.

Best Tony prediction of the night had to have been “If Andy Reid is smart, he’ll call the timeout here”

I don’t like Collinsworth much, but I think he’s probably the second-best analyst. That’s really saying something.

Compare Romo’s observations to Troy Aikman’s and it’s just night and day.

If he’s such a great prognosticator, then why didn’t he open the broadcast with, “Everybody should just go to bed right now, because in a few hours you will all want to kill yourselves.”

the procedural crime mystery isn’t the main mystery. It’s more about exploring this connection of memory, time, and self-identity, and what it would feel like for that to start coming unglued.......Agreed, as with the previous seasons of TD, it’s about the people populating the stories with their flaws and foibles,

You belong with us in r/wallstreebets 

One, the first pick was definitely is fault, but the second one, if you think that was his fault then... well then who gives a fuck what you think

All this because of a goofy, white motherfucker named Taysom. Taysom!?

This is the dumbest take possible.  You should be ashamed.

Kevlar tummy pillows, man. Santa’s up-armored and ready to roll!

I went through one of these trainings and it was a bit more sober than that.
Priority one, we were told, was get the fuck out, and you don’t even think about fighting the shooter unless that’s not an option.
If you can’t get the fuck out, throw shit at the shooter or, if you’re close enough, grab his gun hand. It was

While the Kinja comments section is filled with unbiased intellectuals and, honestly, the best people.