
I’m 6'2" which many consider a gold standard height for men for on-line dating. When I was single I admit that my height was often a talking point and I could visibly see sighs of relief when I walked into the bar/restaurant/coffee shop and they realized I wasn’t lying. Men would definitely lie about height and hair

Hmmm, I’m trying to think of a particular shot they failed to show. I need to FREE some of my brain up before I’m able to THROW out any ideas though. 

I love how they don’t pull punches and try to find redeeming moments for each character. But at the same time, they don’t make them cartoonishly evil. Just deeply flawed, insecure people who only know one way to move forward.

What are you waiting for, a kiss? Fuck off. Be gone. Bye bye.

The only downside of this drama, from a Hard Knocks viewer’s perspective, is that so much of it is not taking place with all of the actors in one place. It’s Gruden on the field griping, it’s Mayock at a press conference, and it’s AB ummm, in a balloon or playing with his kids. As far as all of us can tell, none of

I just re-watched “Luck” and damn, that show had some real potential. I loved the acting, writing and directing - it was such an original show.

Yes, it was diagnosis by exclusion. It certainly could be TOS, but it could also be YIPS. That was not excluded.

Bruce Hooper better hustle to first base is all I’m gonna say!

The last 5 seconds was like a hockey fight, with each guy putting a hand on the other guy’s neck/head and wailing away with the other hand. Not usually a strategy for success in MMA.

Hays was a “LRRP” in the Army — which means he did long range recon in small teams of 5 or 6 (and sometimes alone), but he didn’t come back with “lost soldiers”. As Dorff points out, he came back “with scalps”. LRRP units were explicitly encouraged to ramp up kill numbers by their command to try to morph into

Will WHeaton

Seriously, on what legal grounds can the Federal government prohibit a city from offering tax breaks and other subsidies to private industry? There’s nothing unconstitutional about it. Typically, the Feds offer incentives in a carrot-rather-than-a-stick approach to get states to play ball where laws cannot be enacted,

Well unless he’s in flashbacks, the movie takes place 10 years later, so he must have pulled through despite being a “lunger”.

Might not be white, which is ... interesting. Based on his stickers, he seems to be Native American (Seminole).

Here’s a close up of the stickers on the guy’s van.  Interestingly, he appears to be Native American (Seminole potentially), which is an odd twist.

Kap hasn’t played in two years and you want him to join a mess of a team mid-season and figure it out? That ain’t going to happen. Kap in the pre-season, fine, but not now.

If Augusta doesn’t invite this guy out for 18 holes on them complete with gear, then I would not be shocked at all and totally expect it from a traditionally racist, sexist, [insert-ist] institution.

And then get hired at the next district over.

No one says “cheesesteak hoagies”. Fuck Dallas. 

Scholarships and concussions for all!