
If you think Connor Barwin is still capable of getting 11 sacks you did not watch a single Eagles game. Apparently neither did the Rams. Don’t get me wrong, I liked him, he was great for the city, and it was cool seeing him at rock concerts, but the man cannot play football anymore. Furthermore, thank you so much for

Byron Leftwich will be on that list, just as soon as he completes his throwing motion on this pass he started in 2009.

Let’s be honest here. My race, native Americans are never brought up because it’s the past. Would black people stop complaining about the past. We had it worse and you don’t see us jumping up and down about it. It’s a fucking show get over it, It’s make believe

I got an idea. Why not wait and watch the show to see how it is?

“He kept flinging himself forcefully at my club. I tried to walk away, but he kept smashing head-first into it! I was scared for my life!”

Shock level 0/10

If you are stupid enough, in America’s moral climate, to do *anything* that might even *hint* at being questionable on a state/employer/whoeverthefuckcanbeFOIAed phone, you deserve every ounce of idiocy that will rain down on your idiot head for being an idiot.

are you for real? i can’t even get la croix to follow me back on twitter

So how much did you get paid for all the La Croix advertisements?

So he gets his cake and to eat it too?

“former Vine star” explains so, so much about this.

You’ve really got to stop trying to fuck Cousins like that.

I hope Kirk Cousins goes to another franchise and wins a super bowl and Washington continues to never win anything

They didn’t file for a patent, they filed for a trademark. Different intellectual properties. This trademark does not exclude Blue Apron from doing anything they are already doing.

Trademark =/= patent. They weren’t patent trolling, just reserving a name for an operation that might compete with Blue Apron.


Well, whatever the excuse, they need to pay him. Cousins is the best quarterback they’ve had there since Duck Williams.

Nothing inspires confidence quite like a billionaire liquidating assets.

Hang on. How is it possible that my two favorite craft beers broke the Quintana trade?