
This is fucking fantastic.

I get where he’s coming from. If there’s one thing Russians hate it’s unfairly trying to dictate the outcome of what should be a impartial process.

Don’t go down this trail with me. It will inevitably end in tears.

Pretty sure that on the big list of “should’s,” yours is a ways lower down from “financial advisors shouldn’t steal from their clients.”

It’s so unlike a Redskin to be swindled by a bunch of white guys

Exactly. I hate to name-drop, but [Ryan] Fitzpatrick is still playing!?

Is that you, Progressive Liberal?

Fuck lane splitters. This is awesome.

I can’t wait to see the asshole’s mugshot. Good work CHP. It’s jerks like this that make it tougher on all the other riders trying to be safe out there.

Flip the tables, a “Casual football player who is a pro magic player” goes to a practice game with the seahawks. Leaves with concussions at best.

It’s not even preparing for the meta—he could’ve come with any other kind of par-for-the-meta Control-type deck and still probably would’ve lost because Affinity is bullshit and there’s a reason WoTC hasn’t seriously reprinted that keyword in over a decade.

This seems like a smart move. Presumably Blake has the cash to live comfortably so they payout from the trial may not have changed his life dramatically, however he used his case to potentially help others in a similar situation. Good on him.

This is a terrible article.

Agree, personally think it is cool when mainstream athletes dabble in card/video games. They end up being a great ambassadors for the their respective games and help to break down the stigma that gaming is for a bunch of pimple faced dweebs. (Know this is not the case but an opinion that I find is prevalent)

Yeah, ton of shade in this post.

That’s what I’m saying. This is some school yard shit.

unathletic nerd writer gloating that a beefy pro athlete lost in a nerd thing

This isn’t a binary. There’s also the very real possibility that the Sixers can’t develop young guys. In fact, that’s why teams often have a few end of bench vets on the team, as de facto coaches, teaching guys nuance and the off-the-court stuff that guys like Okafor haven’t really excelled at.

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