
It was not legal,

Let’s nip this one in the bud: filming opposing teams’ sidelines was only legal from designated areas in the stadium, and the Patriots’ tapes were filmed from outside those areas. So argue over how big a violation it was, but it was technically illegal the whole time.

How many recessive genes can one person have?

D-Mac, you need much, much bigger glasses. Like cartoonishly large. Don’t go with wire frames either, thick Buddy Holly style plastic. Anything to distract from your tiny eyes and tiny face and gigoddamnedgantic forehead.

I bet spends a lot of time talking about hot chicks as well, right?

Poor soldier, having to attend a Rams game. Hasn’t he sacrificed enough?

One of these men is a high-ranking member of a despicable organization that ruins people’s lives, steals their money, and treats their employees like subhuman scum. The other is Tom Cruise.

It’s amusing the lengths you go to avoid using one word, simply because some joyless schmucks have deemed it politically incorrect.

Wow, I didn’t realize that ESPN was an arm of the United States government...

My father took me to an Eagles game in 1977. The Eagles lost. I was 8. He got drunk and drove home to Elizabethtown with me asleep in the back of the, you know it, International Travelall. He got popped in Maytown, PA (stopped in to grab a beer with a buddy; I continued to sleep) by the cops for a DUI. They saw me

God damn, thank you for this.

“I don’t know why he needs to keep going behind the back like this.”

ah, yes, the ol’ comment without watching the actual video post.

Yet neither could put a goal in vs. Chile?!

The idiots on this website! He broke his jaw. His feet are fine.

This is the first time a Jets player has been publicly cold-cocked since Brett Favre sent that picture to Jenn Sterger from the team’s ice-bath.

I think a footnote is in order for WYTS 2015 Jets edition.

Les Misérables