At NO POINT did Bret ever suggest taking the title with him. What weird corner of the internet did you crawl out of where they suggested that?
At NO POINT did Bret ever suggest taking the title with him. What weird corner of the internet did you crawl out of where they suggested that?
Yeah, saw that video too. And the others. His youtube comments might lead one to think that he doesn't view these animals as one would view pets in the traditional pet/owner way. And that isn't a bad thing.
'so they tell me you killed that camel jockey' - Dan Snyder
I'm not surprised he's a Redskins fan, since he took out a 6-2 Giant and showed up a 5-9 Cowboy in the process.
I kind of feel sorry for the guy. Kind of. Somewhere along the way he lost his mind. He was a baseball hero in Philly and he blew that. Then he was a World Series hero in Arizona and he blew that. Then he became a World Series hero again in Boston and somehow managed to blow that too. Then he lost all of his…
So let me get this straight. These people don't believe in evolution because it doesn't work like it does on the Pokemon cartoon?
I did once see a workhorse evolved into a jackass.
I would say you should never have a BAC higher than your batting average, but I firmly believe in Dan Uggla's right to have a single drink whenever he chooses.
I don't know... I totally understand Rose wanting to be healthy after he's done with hoops, but he was more than just a little clumsy with that statement. Maybe I'm alone, but he almost sounded like he was putting his later goals in life ahead of his own team's current needs (which isn't at all what he's doing when he…
This is the probably the most intelligent, nuanced and well thought out explanation about how to and when it's appropriate to kick a guys in the balls.
Not an MRA, but a martial artist here. My objection to the groin kick is that it is pretty easy to defend against. If you get the chance, by all means go for it. But, don't be overly dependant on it or assume that you will get that chance. I the only one who read this in a Norman Chad voice?
That 03 WSOP is a big reason why I love poker today. Norm Chad also has a lot to do with why I'm so talkative at poker tables, too. I know he's not physically at those tables playing the game himself, but his commentary made me think, as a teenager watching those championships, that actually having a personality was a…
Ron Rivera should have heeded the warning of Gloria Estefan. The rhythm is going to get you. The rhythm is going to get you. The rhythm is going to get you.
Fortunately, Cutler is immune to criticism. Unlike his kids, who aren't immune to a goddamn thing.
"Alright, here we go! Osweiler's time to shi......fuck!"
Conservative white moms are our nations greatest threat.
as long as you're up would you mind making me a.....