
All this talk about consciousness being transferred to a machine, irrelevant. A sufficiently advanced machine would be indistinguishable from a living consciousness to an observer. It's quite possible in an advanced civilization that the machines have become self aware and wiped out life. They would be quite happy to

Or you could just use a small non stick frypan, since you're only pouring it out of the Frankenspatula onto your bread anyway.Put enough in to do as many sandwiches as you want. Looks delicious anyway. Will try it

Hack #1, reproduce an existing cable that's been commercially available for 15 years and is now fast becoming irrelevant since gigabit makes it unnecessary anyway.

Do these people even bother proofreading anymore. Glaring stupid error. As others have said, renders the rest of the article useless if it wasn't already.

Nice work to the wanker @0:25 Pick the poor thing up and throw it back in the water instead of taking photos while it dies.

Did they get permission from Pixar for the Thunder and Lighting joke. I can see another Copyright lawsuit in their future

I have my Galaxy S set up with several alarms set for each day depending on whether my son is here or at his mother's. On mornings here I have it set to Wake Up at 7:30, then Get Dressed at 8:30 then Go Go Go at which time we should be in the car ready to leave. And on your phone you can give each alarm a

The way things are going, by the time this future gets here LCD panels will be cheaper per square inch than paint.

"AT&T and Verizon start charging $10/month for every 1GB over the cap you go."

I hate this obsession phone makers have with making their phones thinner and lighter at all costs. Surely it makes sense to make the phone a little larger and include a double or triple sized battery that can last at least 24 hours at maximum usage.

I really don't understand what's going on with Swype. I have it preinstalled on my Galaxy S and I absolutely love it. It's easy to use, fast, and accurate.

How about a stack of picnic or party cups instead. They are sold as disposable, but I really think they're too good for ust one use. I have a stack of 12 of them. Perfect.

Dunno, but I bet it was enormous.

Funny this story has this link in the sidebar

Quite funny that I got here by clicking from this story... "Every Android Device" Could Be Affected by HTC Patent Infringement

Wonder if it would work on a car panel to remove surface rust. Can't hurt to try I guess

Yes. I noticed that too. Confusing.

I suspect most of the confusion is because different battery technologies require different charging strategies. The old Ni-Cad batteries that were common in older laptops and cell phones did have a memory effect, and did require full discharge/charge cycles to get the best out of them. You had to treat them almost

Not really that much easier than the method I've always used, as long as there is a delete option. I've always just copied the whole text that I want to resubmit (CTRL-A, CTRL-C) then deleted the incorrect comment. Then just repost (CTRL-V), edit that and resubmit it. And unless they change things, there's no time

Makeshift fridge magnet.