
I haven't seen this before but I'm trying it with my 2 Samsung rear projector tvs that can't control their Blue rasters anymore and also my set top box that keeps freezing the picture when the room is hotter or colder than 22+-5 degrees Celsius. Top tip.

100watt? At 5volts that means that has to carry 20 amps. That will want to be one thick piece of wire in that cable. Well, two if you figure in return current.

I've not bad a spare battery for any of my phones for years. I charge every night and as I drive around for work through the day. But rare as they are, there are still times my phone crashes and won't respond to the power button and needs a battery pull to revive. That's gunna be a whole lot tougher now. And I love my

What ever happened to that developing tech that used electrostatic charge to make your screen feel textured? That would been cool to see.

All this talk about consciousness being transferred to a machine, irrelevant. A sufficiently advanced machine would be indistinguishable from a living consciousness to an observer. It's quite possible in an advanced civilization that the machines have become self aware and wiped out life. They would be quite happy to

What about "The Force"? Not even mentioned. As a trekkie from way back I'm happy with the result shown here but the force is a huge part of both good and evil sides of the SW universe. I guess a Star Trek equivalent would be Q.

It's long past time that passwords should be retired. What's the point when all the experts say the best password is one you can't remember? If you have multiple devices accessing a site, password reset doesn't cut it because if you reset on one device it breaks the passwords stored on all the others. I wish they

Every time I ask Google now to "take me home" it shows me John Denver videos. I have to tell it "take me to home". Just a little annoyance.

2 factor with Google sucks. I enabled it, trying to do the right thing then found I couldn't log in from any other devices. This was after much duffing around mind you. Apparently Google requires you to have separate login credentials for each device and application if you have 2 factor enabled. But worse than that, I

I can feel the new round of patent wars warming up from here

Or you could just use a small non stick frypan, since you're only pouring it out of the Frankenspatula onto your bread anyway.Put enough in to do as many sandwiches as you want. Looks delicious anyway. Will try it

Neither was the one that killed the dinosaurs.

giz chat is broken from my android. try again. I figured this out years ago. MMoveighiMoveighight. might also explain why when you go around a corner the cold air from your vents changes direction on your face

Figyearsured this out ago. I believe it also


I've often thought we need a regularly updated, standardised, generic set of T&C's in the Public Domain, maybe a few different ones for different product types, that are generally known and acceptable to the majority of people. Vendors would be required to base their licensing on those, nominating the one they are

Oops. I misread that as install Firefox and hide it (ff) in the deepest crevice. Still, portable apps rock.

Firefox portable ftw.

Until the other 98.78% of their customers find out there are free computers going and downgrade ie to get in on the action. Thanks for the heads up Giz. :D

Is there a link for the population map?