Heather Simon

Annalee, if you haven't already, you should read The Book of Night With Moon by Diane Duane. It's connected to her Young Wizards series, but in it she discusses the position game that all cats are almost always playing with each other.

You missed out the fact that they are highly trained physicists who maintain the strings and superstrings that hold together the fabric of our reality.

I use one, my fiancee has one, and at least one co-worker has one. I've also seen them on the NYC Subway, although admittedly not with the same frequency as Android and iOS devices.

I'm just feeling a little dizzy and giddy. I mean, it's a Windows Phone article, about as rare on Lh, as a Windows-ANYTHING article. : )

There are plenty of tall buildings in earthquake zones. Shit, Japan loves the things (tall buildings, not quakes). I think you dont quite understand how they are built. We have figured out how to build in a way to withstand earthquakes with flexible buildings (something that is actually easier to do in a skyscraper

"though I sound like a horribly unhealthy and fat person, I'm not. I'm thin."

Those people are pretty laughable I agree, but going around using terms like "Turbonerds" makes you look like just as much of a twat.

Right? How weird. I'm convinced my man is jerking off when he takes for-freaking-ever in the bathroom some mornings, but I really don't care, and I also don't care to confirm.

i, for one, appreciate that you spoke up.

I dont know.. I'm a little on the fence on that. Sometimes you need release and don't want to have sex.. There's been plenty of times that while in bed making out my boyfriend or myself will ask.. do you want to have sex or fap each other.. and no one takes it the wrong way. I think its completely normal to have a sex

"Is masturbation a form of infidelity?" is an actual OKC match question. Some people have misguided ideas about the practice.

This. I couldn't understand why she was so mad about it, and why she thought it was something to be mocked. Masturbating is perfectly healthy. Do people really get upset if a partner masturbates? I thought she was incredibly rude and emasculating. I can't believe she made me have sympathy for Jon.

Sorry. Sometimes trolls pull an "all you feminists think this because Jezebel said it!" thing and I thought that's what it was.

? I know. I was making a joke at Jez's expense or at least I was trying to.

She also said, "just because I don't want to have sex with you......" so she doesn't have sex with him and also doesn't want him to masturbate. Okay then.

What really got me is that she thinks him jacking off on national television is going to mar her reputation more than the fact she's dating Jon Gosslin.

This is what a "pro-life" society looks like.

Anyone who supports this is unquestionably a psychopath.

"Quite sadly, this information is not surprising due to the fact that the fetus, after being deprived of oxygen for an indeterminate length of time, is gestating within a dead and deteriorating body, as a horrified family looks on in absolute anguish, distress and sadness"