Heather Simon

I'm just amazed to hear there's an actual woman on Tinder.

You kids and your Tinders and your Tweets.

Jesus, imagine having less common sense than a guy named Scooter.

My (previously nonexistent) respect for Selena Gomez just skyrocketed.

Ex-Band nerds have been doing this all along. No wonder I don't get side stitches - I can't NOT step left first!


The comments on this article are pure fucking garbage. Something tells me that the Park Slope Heinous Asshole Association (PSHAA) has discovered this article and decided to camp out.

That blows my mind.

Doge was the first thing that came to my mind when I saw the "more pervert" quote, and I am so happy you posted this.

Stupid elephants. Get over it already.

Not just parents, FYI. It's anyone who has lost someone irreplaceable.

In my city roadside memorials a prohibited but not banned. If someone complains, the family is notified then a road crew is sent to dismantle it. Items are stored for six months and if not claimed they are discarded. But this is Canada. We are polite.

Good. She should win all the awards.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again about Mark: Hello, sailor!

I guess I just don't understand how some people choosing to make public memorials has anything to do with your grief, or that of anyone who has lost a loved one. I don't think my grief is less valid than my aunt's, even though I would never consider making a memorial to my cousin had she not done it. And I've lost

That last word was clearly auto-tuned. Sorry.

dear jezebel,

In my part of the country, it is pretty normal to put up and maintain memorials at accident sites for months or even years. Not blocking right-of-way, nothing huge or overwhelming, but many families do it. My own family does it for a cousin who was killed by a drunk driver. I wouldn't set one up myself because I am a

haha I know!