Heather Simon

Also, maybe it's my imagination but British designers seem to get this a little better than American designers do. I sweat 3/4 of my clothing purchases in the last two years have been from the same few British websites.

I didn't think it was possible to love Tim Gunn any more than I do, but my heart just swelled to plus-sizes.

Tim Gunn is so practical and kind, it's amazing he's spent his career in and around fashion. Wise words from a wise man.

Tim Gunn <3 He came to speak at my school last November, and I couldn't make it. I was so, so upset. He's such a magnificent human being. I hope to be able to see him in person one day, sigh.

Thanks for posting - I just donated :)

I volunteer with an abortion fund, and it has been eye-opening. Abortion laws that require multiple visits for a procedure screw over real people A LOT. Like, poor women and girls in the most desperate, tragic situations—13 year old girls, single moms with disabled children, homeless women—every single day (and I mean

Know what I want? I want a YouTube video (like one of those honest reaction videos) where they ask women if they know what it means when you have an abortion. Because I'm so sick of all these waiting periods and forced ultrasound laws that "protect" women because who obviously don't really know what they're getting

Oh no I mean the whole regulations. Feels kinda petty that they'll require an extra layer of costs without giving an option to help pay for the costs. Just feels weird that pro-lifers care less what happens to the child after its born

I'll just let Tardaasa do the talking for me.

So my two questions remain:

It is actually harder to transmit than many other STDs/viruses. Unfortunately, the time when someone may be most infectious is when they are newly infected and are in the "acute HIV" stage (and likely have not yet been diagnosed) as they tend to have really high viral loads, making it more probably that they may

Here's where I feel weird:

Ahh, bless her. I often wonder what life would be like if I wasn't "blessed" with this angry face. Living with chronic bitchface.

I'm with you on that, it's funny, but...the first things that came to my mind were "Nurse Ratchet" and Ratchet from....the Transformers.

At first, I strongly disagreed with this article until I got to this line: "She can play at blackness without being burdened by the reality of it.." Now I get it. As a white girl who grew up in, what i have always called the 'hood, and was the only white girl around, these things didn't feel like black culture or

That is so offensive that you would suggest that "speaking proper" for black people is us trying to be white. My mind is blown.

Dude, if Captain Jack Harkness is uncomfortable, you know that shit is questionable.

I enjoyed reading this despite all the cringing I did.