Heather Simon

So what do you think about the people who swear generics are interchangeable? It seems to be the brand name manufacturers who swear that their product is uniquely good, and the generics who swear it's identical. As for me, it strikes me as reasonable that if the drugs can be told apart by a pharmacist, it's entirely

Regarding that linked article:

Find another doctor.

Agreed. I have two boys and while they're very tiny now (both under the age of 5) I'm totally going to have them vaccinated as they approach their teen years. It's just the smart thing to do.

My mom is weird in her attitudes re: sex (she still doesn't really acknowledge that I've had sex, despite the fact that I'm living with my partner), but at least the 'cancer' angle of the HPV vaccine sunk in immediately. I was taken to get it as soon as it was made available in Canada. Thanks Mom!

This article was WRITTEN FOR you.

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also, a lot of these facts are not actually accurate. BUT I DON'T CARE.

I feel so sorry for the children of conservative Christians, starting out with a huge disadvantage in life. My daughters (sons, too, if I ever have any) will be getting this vaccine the minute they hit the proper age window. And comprehensive sex ed, and real science, whether their schools offer it or not. They

What girl doesn't like a nice snack after sex?

8-legged beasties just do not have the luck when it comes to sexin'.

Gotta indoctrinate them young....spiders and humans. MISANDRY.

I wonder if it's somehow making the female spider stronger or capable of laying better eggs or something that makes this sexual cannibalization increase the number and size of the male's offspring.

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My first thought upon reading the headline was TISM - Everyone Has Had More Sex Than Me:

Taking cues for my sexual script from lady spiders from now on...

But I love Man-Spider.

Does anyone else want to see Isabella Rossellini reenact this? [[reference]]

If MRAs died after having sex, they'd probably get laid for once.

God, that one will never not win.