Heather Simon

Secret Ingredient beat you to it. ;)

Celebrities: They're Just Like Us! (Boring!)

... I thought about it, went, "nah, too easy". Clearly I should've re-thought my position (missionary!). :)

Pitch perfect.

This made me giggle in glee. Happy Friday to you, tinymutt...

aka, the "everything but" - exactly.

"If I don't get any, NO ONE gets any!"

Just think of what this would do for teen pregnancy rates...

The problem with the herpes virus strains is that they can live, latent, in your spinal tissue and re-flare later. (This is why chicken pox can turn into shingles later in life.)

The antibodies could indicate at least partial clearance.

... Thank you for proving my point.

You're the one who keeps asking for examples, it would appear you're the one having trouble with the definition.

If you're going to use ad hominems it would behoove you to understand their meaning first.

Oh, I see, you have the same deficiencies as the OP that disallow you from reading even your own commenting history to determine your relative level of trollery. You should see a doctor about that.

Oh. So if "enough" people do something, we all do, and all deserve the wrath of the mighty disparaged MRAs?

No playing required. I own it, unlike you and your trollery.

... I don't.

I'm not sorry to have hurt your precious little feelers. I'm not your mom or your therapist.

That one person is a saint. The rest of us are humans with limited capacity for dealing with lazy fucks.

Walks like a duck, quacks like a duck. No one put a gun to your head and forced you to hate-read Jezebel.