
At my thinnest weight a few years ago I went into an H&M to buy some jeans and I was told that the store was for juniors. Funny thing, is I was wearing H&M jeans when I was told that they wouldn't fit me. Hmm.

Even if she was too big to wear their clothes, this is extra special anti-fat bias because she is also too big to wear their perfume, accessories, buy a gift for anyone, or look around. OR TO FUCKING ACCOMPANY HER FRIEND. Assuming it went down as she says it does (which, well, I believe her), this was such a

This might be a bit unusual, but I find the selfies I take to be helpful with my self-esteem issues. If I ever feel like I look horrifically ugly, I can look at some picture I took of myself where I look good. I know that if I looked that good in a picture, I can probably look that good in real life, too, even if I

I don't understand your hatred for a picture someone takes of themselves. A hatred for someone that posts a ton of pictures that look similar is understandable; a hatred for simply the act of taking a picture of yourself is confusing. Especially since you seem to be fine with it if another person takes the picture.

yes, I'm feeling bummed too:(

All I want in life is to go hang out at the beach with the moo cows.

My periods were so awful I literally had the inside of my uterus burnt out with boiling water (hydrothermal ablation). Since I was under 40 at the time and have freaky healing powers, it wasn't 100% successful, but instead of having two periods a month, I have maybe three a year. And soon, maybe, menopause (which I've

I am 27 years old. I manage to bleed through a tampon and ruin a pair of panties at least once a month. And it's not because I bleed heavily randomly. I just forget to change my tampon every 3-4 hours during my heavy day. But I do so EVERY SINGLE MONTH.

Swam with a sea lion in Hawaii a couple weeks ago — those mothers STINK. And like to hit guys (i.e., my husband) in the balls with their flippers.

This is the most "friday" of articles.

Happy weekend, all! I'm hoping some folks on here can help me out. I'm currently working in the IT world, but am mulling a switch to a nursing career. If you work in a medical field, what's the one thing you wish you had known before starting nursing school and/or your career?

The one time I ever posted on a Saturday Night Social article, I was debating whether or not to write a letter to my therapist (who I hadn't seen in a year) to tell her how my life worked out (it worked out pretty awesomely). I was worried she wouldn't remember me or would think it was weird or something, but you guys

As usual, West Coast Gray, late to the party. Whatever. I can't fucking sleep and it's almost 6 a.m. PST.

Does anyone have any advise on how to get to know someone better? I'm in my first year of law school abroad, and generally find the experience isolating and alienating (people are very rich and most are younger than me, and I'm on a scholarship and uncomfortable with how unequal I view myself), but there is one person