
THE HARPOONS ARE BACK! OMFG they harpooned a plane, that's like whaling in the sky.

These commercials seriously creeped me out. A friend that used to work for the ad agency that came up and executed the concept, told me they got a lot of negative feedback.

It's common practice in China for people to not get involved or render aid when they witness an accident or if someone is hurt. I've been told by my wife (Who is from China) that people who render aid have been falsely accused by authorities as the one who injured the person, (since the party that actually caused the

Cars, harpoons, dead people back from the dead, confusing plots, and MOAR HARPOONS

Two words: Fixie cyclists.

It's Honda. If it's cool it will never come to market, it will live in autoshow concept hell and if we're lucky a diluted boring U.S. version will appear years later, while Japan gets the cool version and Mugen builds a concept that will also never come to market and the car will then live in Japanese autoshow concept

I heard that fire extinguishers were to come standard.

Maybe it belonged to this guy?

Anything Jeep. I don't care if they're one of the most capable off road vehicles out there, they are just plain horrible when it comes to comfort and ergonomics. Probably my worst experience would be with the late model 4dr Jeep Wrangler. If you're unfortunate enough to have to sit in the backseat of one of those

I am throughly convinced that ludicrously wealthy people are bat-shit crazy. I mean you have more money than God, why not take up a productive hobby instead of oh I don't know, mess with Bath Salts or kill your neighbor?

LOL Nascar taking motorsport to an all new low. Oh wait, it's already done that.

Why private label wheel brands that do no real testing nor use exceedingly high wheel manufacturing technology and techniques pioneered by the top wheel makers, be touted as suitable "For Racing use" should be a massive red flag for any enthusiast.

Felix forgot his cat

"Would You Drive A Prius On Weekdays For An LFA On The Weekend?"

I own a Prius and the number 1 reason why I got it was to save money on gas. Anybody that owns a Hybrid or electric vehicle saying they solely purchased one to save the environment is 100% lying or is genuinely misguided.

Another prime example as why noobers never seem to understand that an open track day is NOT A FREAKIN WHEEL TO WHEEL RACE.

It's actually Hock, not "Hawk"

Forget cops, you should be more worried about getting jacked and kidnapped.

*Cough* DOUCHEBAG *Cough*