Cue the theme to “Curb your enthusiasm”
Cue the theme to “Curb your enthusiasm”
Sure, and while they’re at it go back to the old post-qualifying interview format. Not that awkward one and one crap they did at Monaco.
Well the Indy field does have F1 retirees and rejects so...
Jesus christ you’re bitter
I had one for several years, hated it. the WD22's suspension was complete outdated shit, the VG33 was outdated, the slushbox auto was crap and if you had a Supercharged version like I did. God help you if you ever had to change the knock sensor.
Typical bad behavior enabling BS, blame an inanimate object for human failure. Seems to be a trend going on here.
Bruh this is Jalopnik.
You know who is more of a whiny little rude ass bitch than Lewis Hamilton?
His haters.
A-Thank you!
I don’t get why the crappiest games get awarded the rights to Formula 1, but the awesome games get snubbed. Project Cars has a great Formula car simulation.
Goddamnit. They take a perfectly off-road capable SWB G-Wagen and turn it into a dickbag mobile, the kind you would find parked in the driveway in some exclusive West LA neighborhood next to a broken and smoking LaFerrari.
Eddie Griffin did it better
The one and final time I got to ride in a JK Wrangler was in a 4dr hardtop during the Summer.
I ended up having to take the backseat for about an hour being broiled alive since the roof panels are basically just some sort of painted uninsulated metal and because the owner didn’t want to use the A/C since he would get…
Excellent to see that Toyota has begun to step up their game with the off-road capabilities of the compact truck here in the U.S.
Now only if the rugged, globally proven, and iconic 70 Series Land Cruiser could find a home in the U.S. market, life would be complete.