
go away I dislike you bother someone else.

That was my reaction.

Plus, with a knife, you have to get right up there next to the victim. You might see the fear in their eyes. You might feel the knife’s resistance against their bones and tissue. Guns make people disconnected from the humanity of their victims in a way that knives and baseball bats don’t.

This is the worst one because we have done SO MUCH to make cars safer, and car-related deaths have plummeted as a result.

i don’t undestand anything she said, i need more coffee

*types Ye Rustic Inn into Google Maps*

They were actually perfectly in line with my views on guns. Everyone should be able to own muskets. The right to keep and bear muskets should not be abridged. It’s all the fuckers since them who’ve failed to update the law.

Let's not forget their Ebola freak out over nothing.

If terrorists were taking out 89 people a day conservatives would think we should all give up our rights to privacy so that there could be more wire tapping, spying, checkpoints, etc., but because it’s the constitutional right to guns at risk instead of the constitutional right to privacy and to be free from

The fuck?

A question from someone who lives in the UK: do most communities in the US celebrate Columbus on Columbus Day? I think I was always under the impression that it was basically an excuse for a long weekend where you could lie on the couch for 72 hours with one hand in a doritos bag and your other hand down your pants.

Around these parts if you can't eat gluten people just assume you're lying and are just being a picky baby about food.

I hated broccoli for years because I’d only had it steamed to smithereens or in stinky chinese fast food. I started cooking it myself to find out it’s actually delicious. But yeah, I definitely take out the trash if I happen throw any in there.

“I sure as hell can’t relate to their pain in any way.”

I have Lupus, and Chemo itself isnt typically the treatment, but it’s mostly maintained by chemo drugs like with your RA. I'm wondering if this is the case here.

Apropos of nothing since you didn’t ask, but the pharmacy department shares some faculty members with chemistry and gives mandatory talks and they call any medication “chemotherapy” to distinguish it from radiotherapy and surgery. It was confusing at first for me as an outsider but now I’m used to hearing

I honestly didn’t know that chemo was a treatment for lupus. I have RA and am on a chemo drug (subcutaneous shots once a week), but it’s at lower concentrations than a cancer patient would have, so definitely not the same as going through chemo. And some biologics for autoimmune disease are given as infusions kind of

Kittenjoy, I found the picture they have in the lobby!!! It’s this one: