Apparently I didn’t read the article very well because I thought this was supposed to be a joke about why Cosby’s victims were “unrapeable.” They just loved his sweaters too much!
Apparently I didn’t read the article very well because I thought this was supposed to be a joke about why Cosby’s victims were “unrapeable.” They just loved his sweaters too much!
You also have to remember that Huckabee pardoned violent convicted rapist, Wayne DuMond, because he thought that, “...Supervision under parole was important.”
Here’s a few more for your collection:
I think now would be a really good time to remind him that a FlyGirl is now and will continue to be richer and more famous than he will ever hope to be.
You know what sounds more like a money hustle to me? This Hot Take. When’s the last time Damon Wayans did anything even remotely culturally relevant? Sit the fuck down, Major Payne.
Agreed. My parents studied the MAD Magazine Spy vs Spy handbook. It sucked for us.
I see the squinty face I make when I walk outside without sunglasses. It’s more of a grimace than anything.
I quite like the idea of a divorcing set of parents continuing counseling to work out a co-parenting plan. If that is what they are doing, good for them and their children.
Hey, liberals are here. You just have to know where to look :)
Sigh. Let me guess: you live in Seattle and consider everyone East of the Cascades to be clones of Cletus the Slack-Jawed Yokel? Listen: Washington State University well known for its programs in chemical engineering, veterinary medicine, agriculture, animal science, food science, plant science, architecture,…
My mom - These politicians going after a woman’s right to choose need to be stopped. Who is voting for these clowns?
FFS, you hateful assholes.
I used to live in Pullman, I even volunteered at this PP.
One time I went to go pick up my pills and forgot my wallet for the co-pay. The lady at the desk gave them to me anyway saying that I could pay her later. I’ve moved a lot so PP has pretty much been my only care provider. It makes me sick to see their good work…
This hits close to home for me. I went to Washington State University in Pullman and this Planned Parenthood was basically my OBGYN the entire time I was there and provided great health care. *sigh*
My dad pulled this gem out a while ago: “do you know what the number one killer of black people is? Abortion.” I wanted to hit my head against the wall repeatedly.
Pullman is not a large town, but Pullman’s PP serves not only the student bodies of two public universities (Washington State University in Pullman and the nearby University of Idaho in Moscow, ID), but also the a large swath of the rural Palouse region. I’d be hard-pressed to name a person I knew while attending WSU…
Shit, really? I live on the other side of town.
Hell yes its ok to shame her. Bing cheap is fine, stealing shit is not. Stealing from a god damn library is really really far from ok.
I seriously question the existence of twenty-somethings with good salaries, healthy savings, and no debt.